#5 New Look

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Temari POV

Naruto and I went outside and for a split second I saw a fearful look on the blonde boy's face. I put it aside thinking that I imagined it and lead him into the busy market-district. Even though it was only seven am the streets were crowded and loud, since the morning was the only time where the temperature were bearable. I went through the crowd and noticed halfway through that I had lost Naruto. I spun around looking for him until I saw him sitting on the ridge of the house I stood before. I went up to him and sat besides him. "Why are you up here?", I asked curiously. "Well here I don't have to go through the crowd and I can't lose you, since I can always see you.", he explained. "Hey, what's on your mind, you can tell me.", I said after seeing his sad look towards the people. "Maybe some other time.", he said avoiding the question. I sighed and then jumped down, signaling him to follow me. As he landed besides me I took his hand and lead him through the crowd to one of the stores. The cashier smiled at us and went to us to see if she could help us. I noticed Naruto backing away from her, so I told her, that we didn't need any help and dragged him to the clothing section of the store. I had seen the style of clothes he wore when I first met him so I knew that I had to help him out a bit. Naruto didn't seem to mind it, since he looked a bit lost and confused and smiled at me whenever I added another piece to the ever growing pile of clothes in his arms. We were lucky, that it was still very early so we were totally alone in the store, except for the one employee, whom I had sent away. As Naruto went into one of the cabins to try out one of the outfits I gave him, I couldn't help myself but to ask. "Say , why do you avoid contact to people?", I wondered. I instantly regretted asking as the shuffling inside of the cabin stopped. I heard Naruto taking a deep breath, before he stepped out of the cabin. "Well, what do you think?", he asked and I secretly hoped that he had overheard my question. "It doesn't really look good on you.", I admitted, while shaking my head. He went back in the cabin and I could hear him changing. "I don't seek contact with villagers, because the few times I had contact with some it didn't end all that well for me.", he told me. At first I was shocked to know that he had heard my question, but then he continued. "You see, I am something similar to your brother a jailer for a being completely made out of chakra. My tenant attacked Konoha the day I was born, killing many people, shinobi rather than villagers, along with my parents. The fourth Hokage sealed the Kyuubi no Kitsune inside of me, sacrificing his life for the sake of the village. The villagers and every shinobi, ignorant enough to believe that I am the reason that their Hokage and his beloved wife, the former Jinchuuriki, are dead, hated me, while only a few understood, that I was actually protecting the village from the rage of the tailed beast inside of me. That is why I avoid any contact with villagers and that's also why I am here.", he finished. I heard him sobbing silently, but I didn't know if I could just go in the cabin to comfort him, since I didn't know if he was wearing anything at the moment. So I just sat there in front of the cabin listening to the silent sobs of the boy, that just told me his deepest fear.

After a while Naruto pulled the curtains aside revealing a gorgeous boy. He wore black Anbu-pants, black steel-toed shoes, a white tank top with orange patterns on its sides, black gauntlets and orange gloves. I couldn't help myself but to stare, as he had an aura around him that was equal to that of my father. His appearance was deranged by the visible tear tracks on his cheeks which cut through his whiskers. He had a pouch for weapons on either side of his hip and one additionally on his left leg. He also had a Senbon-holder on his right leg and left arm. "Wow.", was my only reaction to this new look, making him smile. "Thanks.", he replied while turning his back to me to get the other clothes out of the cabin. "Thanks for listening. It was good to let it out.", he said, while putting the clothes, he didn't want to buy, in the return area. As Naruto noticed, that he had no money to pay for the clothes, I went to the cashier and told her to put the clothes on the Kazekage's bill. "Thank you, Temari-san, thank you, thank you!", the blonde boy said, while bowing to me. I laughed and put a hand on his shoulder. "No problem. After all we can't expect you to have any money with you, now do we?", I said smiling. He got up and smiled back at me. "If there is anything you want me to do, tell me, I'm forever indebted to you.", he said with a serious tone.

Naruto POV

I smiled thankfully at Temari while we were jumping over the rooftops. She was currently leading me to the training grounds, to test out my new clothes in combat.

"So, what do you want to do first?", the blonde girl asked, as we got to the training fields. "Well, first i thought about trying to dodge a few kunai, then maybe a bit of taijutsu, and finally ninjutsu.", I suggested, while walking away from her. "As you wish.", she said, grinning madly. She started throwing kunai at me, which were pretty fast for her age, but my reflexes were even faster, another thing that seemingly did survive the jump in time. I even managed to pluck a few of the weapons out of the air, which stunned Temari.

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