#85 City Streets

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Naruto POV

"So let me get this straight. That group wants to capture the Bijuu and they are made up of extremely high ranking missing nins and they are lead by a man that possesses the rinnegan?", Temari asked with awe and a bit of fear in her voice after Tsunade had told us about Jiraiya's gathered information. The hokage just nodded with a small frown on her face. "Okay and why are you telling us that? I mean, obviously it affects us but you wouldn't just tell us something like that without it leading to something.", I asked, waiting for her to get to the real point of this meeting. "Well, I wanted to ask you if we should maybe form a squad with the best of both our villages and eliminate that threat before it gets even more dangerous. After all the already captured the nibi and the sanbi. I think it would be best if we would attack them now before they can gather even more strength.", Tsunade proposed looking at me expectantly. "Well, I agree with your plan, but I can not make these decisions, we will have to talk with the kazekage about that and then we will come back to you.", I replied, earning a nod from Tsunade. "Of course, that goes without saying.", she stated.

"Just out of curiosity, who did you want to have on this attack group?", Temari asked the Hokage. "I was thinking about you two, of course, whoever you decided would be helpful from your village and then Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi, Asuma Sarutobi and Shino Aburame.", the Hokage replied. Temari nodded and we said our goodbyes, before going out of the office, fixing out masks back over our faces.

When we got outside we looked at each other and I placed a hand on my girlfriends shoulder, before we disappeared in a standard shushin.

Looking over the village we sat on top of my father's head with Temari leaning against me, her head on my shoulder. "You know, this village is beautiful.", Temari whispered as we watched the busy streets below us. "Only on the outside.", I replied with a frown. "Yeah but still, I mean we don't get to see that much flora at home.", Temari continued. "Yeah I guess you're right.", I mumbled, forming a plan in the back of my head to give our garden a bit more variety and colour.

As the sun rose on the next morning I smiled at my girlfriend, who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. We slowly got up, changing into our uniforms and applying a powerful henge, that would hide us from any potential enemies. Getting out of the hotel we walked through the streets, looking for our team and the council.

As we found them, we notified our team by releasing a quick burst of chakra and watched as they silently disappeared from the shadows. I smiled at Temari as we followed the group of politicians through the city.

Apparently they were just window shopping, so we did the same, keeping our senses trained on them but at the same time looking through the displays and occasionally walking into a shop when the council did the same.

We went through a small clothing store that sold designer dresses and kimono, a decor shop where, surprisingly, everyone from the council bought something, ranging from small things like a wall clock to big things like a giant sculpture of the battle of the first and second Hokage.

Temari also bought some stuff, although most of it were small presents for close friends like Gaara and Anko or Baki.

After we got out of what felt like the hundredth store the council was walking down a small street, leading to even more shops. Temari and I suddenly felt chakra signatures approaching and got ready to intercept them.

Landing in front of the council we stood between them and the unknown shinobi.

We immediately recognized the shinobi as part of Iwagakure, since both of them were wearing the uniform of the black tengu.

"Hand over the council.", I heard one of the masked shinobi demand. I chuckled as Temari and I dropped our henge. The group behind us gasped as they saw the uniform from the two of us. "It seems that Suna still protects them.", the other one of the black tengu said.

Temari and I took out our weapons, readying for a fight, even though we knew, that our opponents most likely won't attack in the city, since then they would have to fight off Anbu and Jonin from Konoha, that were drawn towards the fight due to the larger chakra output. Regardless the two shinobi drew their weapons and bent their knees, preparing to attack.

Just as they were about to jump at us, three Anbu appeared between us, weapons drawn.

"Stop this right now.", the Anbu with the dog mask demanded. The two black tengu looked at each other and blurred away, before the Anbu could do anything else.

"Thanks.", Temari simply said, as we put away our weapons, and the Anbu turned around, relaxing. "No Problem. If you ever run into more trouble, just flare your chakra, there are always Anbu on patrol inside the village.", the wolf masked Anbu replied.

We nodded again, before turning to the council to see if they were alright and to escort them back towards the hotel. But when we looked back we saw nothing but a small pile of blood. Our eyes widened and I flared my chakra again, drawing even more Anbu to the area and also getting the attention from our teams that jumped to us almost immediately.

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