chaos (part two)

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i had to include this because I laughed so hard.😂😂😂

idk why but it's so funny

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idk why but it's so funny.😂😂

Bill looked through the hallways, seeing you walking towards the doors leaving the school. You were so ready to just go home after everything Eddie had said that was weighing hard on your chest.

"_-____!" Bill called out.

You turned around, only to be embraced into a tight hug. You laughed, holding back onto him, glancing over at Richie who was glaring at Bill with such fury it hurt.

You let go of Bill, smiling up at him as he pulled your hand into his as you laughed a little.

You and Bill began to walk out of the building, you feeling Richie's eyes boring into your back the entire time.

"Wuh-What do you wuh-wanna do?" Bill asked, looking over at you while you stared aimlessly at the ground in front of you.

You couldn't get Richie's eyes out of your mind.

"____, is uh-everything okay?"

You nodded, pulling him to your lips before letting go and smiling back up at him again.

"Oh, it's nothing."

That night was the night that you headed over to Richie's. You told Bill that you two had a big test to study for- which was partially true but you knew you had to either end this or break up with Bill.

You knocked on his window, seeing Richie open it and pull you to his lips immediately.

You let go, looking over at the wall with fear.

"Aw, come on. You live for this shit!" Richie exclaimed.

You nodded. "I know, but you don't get the guilt I'm feeling. I'm cheating on someone who has shown me nothing but love."

Richie sighed, pulling you inside as you sat down.

"Maybe I should just give up on us, Rich. Not like it will ever work out, anyways."

Richie shook his head. "No, ____. It's going to work out between us but not between you and Denbrough. You two are nothing alike!"

"But, Richie, you and I are too much alike!" You exclaimed.

He sighed. "Listen, I just want to be with you. And you'll have to chose between me or Bill anyways so why not go ahead and do it now, tell Bill, and get it all out of the way?"

You shook your head, standing back up as you walked over to the open window and climbed out of it.

This was going to take a long thinking process.

shorter sorry!!!

i'm working on a new fanfiction for you guys!
check it out when I'm done if you want :)



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