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"you don't want me, do you?"

brokenness can be found within any circumstances

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brokenness can be found within any circumstances. your heart. bones. feeling your blood pulsing through your body at the exact thoughts of how you got into your situation. maybe if things were different, it'd be easier. easier to cope. easier to understand. yet humans forget to understand and within forgetting, they forget the honest essence of life. you have a life to love, not a person. forget having someone's hands on you when you can feel the warmth, trust and faithfulness within yourself. your own hands roaming your own body. loving yourself as you're the only person you'd worry about. love yourself when you feel yourself slowly breaking so that you can profoundly pick yourself back up. love yourself when you feel your breath slowing down as you drift off into a sleep, a place where you only feel pure relaxation. love yourself. only you can love you the way you'd want to. no person is enough for you. no one is able to make you happy, even I feel most happy when I'm on my own. I thought too much, probably why I lacked sleep. I thought of what other people thought of me, but now I don't care. If you think too much, it means you care a lot of what others think.

MY HANDS PRESSED TO YOUR CHEEKS.Where stories live. Discover now