First day on the job

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Jin pov 

I arrived early for my first dat, luckily the door was unlocked. I walk in, away from the cold morning air, and I see YN sitting in front of an stand holding a paint she was working. I look around an see freshly painted portraits, then i see YNs face when she turns to look at me. She has slight bags under her eyes, cleary showing she was exhausted. She must have stayed up all night. "There are papers on the desks, I need you to sort through them, then I need you go itno the back and make a list. Everything thats amount number is under five, at to the list of supplies I need to get, go." She yawned and continued working on her painting. I nod and get to work. I sort through the papers. Request for paintings, shipping paper, bills, etc. Then I head tot eh back in the storage room and count everything. Not much was under five, so it wasn't a huge list. I walk back into the main room to report to YN, but I find her asleep on a small couch in the shop. I smile and grab a blanket and place it on her. "One day Yn, I will tell you." I whispered. After, I went to the main desk and prepare the paintings that need to be shipped today and bring them to the post office. 

The rest fo the day was quite, no one called for an order, no one came into the store to look around. When 5 o'clock came around YN woke up, said hi to me, but then went right back to her paintings, trying to finish the large order she had. When she finally finished, she acknowlegded me. "Thank you for shipping those paintings today, also payday will be next week, go home, get some rest." She mumbled, collapsing back on the couch. I smiled and put the blanket back on her and left, lokcing the door beind me. 


I had been working for YN for almost a month now, and we got pretty close. I barely have a frown on my face anymore, its always a smile when I'm around YN. She was so nice, caring, just amazing. Now I sat at home, on my couch reading a book, listening to the pounding rain hitting the roof of my house. Then suddenly there is a knock, more like a bang, on my front door. I set down my book and walk to the door, opeing it to reveal YN!!!! ]

"YN?!" I say shocked to see her. I pull her into my house, out of the cold rain. "I....I tried walking home,b-but I got caught in the rain." She stuttered. She sound so small, so weak, it was kind of cute? I shook my head and brought her upstairs to the bathroom. I place her on my bed and grab a pair of my sweatpants and a t shirt. "Take a shower, I'll wash you clothes in the morning." I say quietly. leaving her to give her some privacy. When I enter my kitchen to make me and YN some dinner, I suddenly feel them wanting to poke out. They were so sore because I haven't had time to let them free, due to the fact I was around humans so much more now. I growled, and shook away the pain, restraining them once more. When Im finished cooking, YN comes downstairs, and seeing her in my clothes made me blush a bit. 

Aftere ating we make small talk, but all in all its silent. But then I feel it again, they're trying to be free again. I growl making YN look at me. But then the pian be more intense, to intense. I collapse on the ground, my face scrunched in pain. "Jin!" Y shouted rushing to me, but stop abruply when she see them. The finally burst free from their retrainst of my clothing. I sigh in relief, but then I feel fear in my heart remembering that YN was there. I stood up, staring at YN. She looked shocked, confused, afraid, and......curious? 

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