Bruises and booze (timeskip)

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Its had been two weeks since YN found about her only emplyee, Kim Seokjin. He was a man born with wings. A creature no one liked, and only three people in the world ever made him smile. His adopted parents and his "boss" YN.  Jin practicaly took care of YN. When she would stay up late workings on orders, he would force her out of the shop and to her apartment and he would usally stay the night, cause one, he wanted to make sure she would go to sleep, or two, she wouldn't let him leave cause it was too late in the night. Jin and YN got very close, very close. He would be at her apartment all the time, and sometimes she would go over to his for breakfast and movie nights cause he had a more comfy than her. 

Today, it was around ten at night and YN was currently working on an order that was due the next day. She was almost done with it, but she was alone. Jin wasn't there because he called in sick, saying he started throwing up and didn't want to pass it on. YN sighed as she added her signature. She missed him. She felt so lonely all her life, always getting everything and anything she wanted was never fun for her. Until she met Jin, who knew what it was like to be lonely, to be different, to be bullied for it. Sure, she didn't have wings like him, but she was known as the schools richest kid, and she would get builled for it, but her parents never seemed to care or even notice the small cuts on her lips or brusies on her arms. They always ingored her. When she moved away from them thought and opened her shop, she felt free, happy, known for her true talent and not riches for once. But when she found out about Jin, she just felt so much happier, scared yes, but the fact she wasn't the only one mistreated for being different from the others. 

YN stretched as she yawned, closing up the shop. She decided she would go by her favorite soup shop and go to Jin's. She locked the door behind her and headed towards the soup place. 

After she got the soup, one of Jin's favorites, she headed towards his apartment, which wasn't far from her studio. As she came up the stairs and to Jin's front door, she felt slightly uneasy, but didn't have a clue as to why. As she used her key to open the door she walked in and instantly the smell of achohol hit her like a truck. Now she knew something was wrong, Jin never drank, ever. She ran in, setting the containter of soup on the counter and searching the apartment for her angel. When she peeked into the bathroom, she saw him laying in the tub, fully clothed thankfully, with a bottle of scotch in his hand, taking a small swig as she walked in. As she got closer she noticed he had some marks on him, brusises and cut alll over his arms, hands, and face. "Jin, what the heck?!" She asks in shock. "Oh, YN, I just met up with a few old "friends" of mine, they weren't to praticuarlly happy to see me, they made me feel like shit, metally and physically, and I remembered my old dorm mate at college had this and gave it to me, so i drank all three out of the four he gave me!" He said in a slight slurred voice. I sigh and take the bottle away from him and get him out of the bath tub and to the kitchen.  Yn goes throught her bage and grabbed her first aid kit and begins treating his wounds. "Jin-" YN was cut off by a knock at the door. She got up and walked towards the door, Jin's pleas telling her to come back fading. She opened the door and saw three men standing there. "Hello Miss, we're looking for Kim Seokjin, he is an old friend of ours." He was tall, only an inch shoter than Jin, all of them looked to about his age, maybe a year to younger. "F*ck off Park Jimin!" Jin shouted from the kitchen, making the men and  YN's eyes widen in shock. "Its not Jimin Jin, its Namjoon!" He shouted back.  "Ahhhhh, not you guys, let them in." Jin slurred. YN moved out of the way and walked back to Jin, the men closing the door and following her. 

"Jin, what did you do to them?" Namjoon asked. "Nothing, they saw me on the street and stared to talk to me, putting me down, calling me names, when I tried walking away, they started punching me, when I didn't fight back they left." Jin said groggily, sobering up quickly. "Well, Hoseok, Yoongi, and I heard about you fight, we came to see if you were in good hands, and looks like you are." Namjoon said nodding to YN as she gave them all a water bottle. "Who were the men that beat Jin up?" YN asked  as she sat beside Jin, slightly rubbing his wings floded behind him. "They were freshmen in highschool when I was one in college, but they were tougher, meaner, and cruler than they seemed. They'd always find me and pcik on me when they could, they have no respect, but surprisingly there were only two, Jungkook and Jimin, I wondered where Taehyung was." Jin explained. "Taehyung quit that type of buisness, he is a better man now, trust me." Hoseok said kindly, and Jin nodded with a smile. "Good." YN listened as the four of them conversed, her heart still worrying about Jin. "Alright, we'll be leaving, we all have work tomorrow, you guys get some rest." Yoongi said buttoning his coat and leaving with a nod, the other following in suit. 

"Jin, please, call me if something like that happens again." YN whispers as she gets under the covers in his bed beside him. Whenever they would stay at each others place, they'd never let them sleep on the couch, so they settled on sharing the bed. "Okay, I will." He whisperes back, kissing her forehead, making her heart flutter.

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