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《Cover pic is my precious smol rabbit Dice ♡》


Tenshi was a thirteen year old with long black hair and grayish-green eyes. She had just finished school for the day, and went to put her things in her locker then go to get on the bus. After she got to her parents' work (both of her parents work near a nuclear plant), she got her sketchbook out and began to draw inspirational quote art. Just a little over an hour later, her parents rushed in and told her to come with them. She didn't know what the rush was and carefully put her sketchbook and art pencils in her bag, because her bag was kind of old and wouldn't shut that good. When she looked up her parents were gone and seconds later a loud blaring siren went off, in a building close to her by the sound of it. She covered her ears and crouched under a small desk near her. The sirens stopped and she heard a loud explosion. Getting up and running to get out of the building Tenshi noticed a strange smell, which made her nausious and dizzy. When she finally got out, she noticed a nearby building on fire. She felt a pain and breathed in sharply due to it, then gasped at the pain in her lungs. She was trying to breathe but it hurt like being stabbed with a hot knife in the chest. She fell onto her knees and cried out, hot tears streaming down her face. She curled up into a ball, crying in pain and gasping for air. She now knew what was happening. She was dying. She knew she couldn't change her fate and gave into her slow, agonizing death.

{This chapter was written by Mod Cringe, I hope it was good and wasn't too short. This is the first time I've done a story like this so..}

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