6: Wilford

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My breath was shaky as I looked at the man who shot me three years ago. I wanted to call for help, but something told me that Wilford would kill me before I even blinked.

"Wilford..." I whispered, my mind racing. Bits and pieces of madness popping up here and there.

"You know...when The Host showed up, I was shocked. Why would an old friend send someone after me?" Wilford said, waving a gun around. I flinched but stood still.

"He was going to kill me..." I whispered, my voice waivering as I stared at his gun.

"BOO HOO!" Wilford shouted, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Wilford, please. I didn't want to hurt you! I missed you!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes. Then I started giggling, my shadows flickering as I doubled over.

I stood up straught, madness in my eyes. I felt like a different person, and I loved it. I smiled maniacally and Wilford looked concerned.

"What did they do to you?" Wilford asked, and I giggled again.

"Die tortured me until I broke. I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret, or make me frown. I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me" I said, singing slightly as I smiled. I laughed and laughed, my mind rebreaking.

"Cait? Are you okay? I heard screaming." Dark asked through the bathroom door.

"I'll see you later Wilford." I whispered before I kissed him. Wilford disappeared and I opened the door. I saw everything differently. There were white particles in the air, and I saw Damien.

I smiled and then frowned when I remembered what Damien did to me. I growled as I pounced on the demon in front of me, knocking him down. I began punching him, rage filling my thoughts.

I heard people running towards us, but I didn't care. Damien trapped me in that fucking hell hole! He ripped out my soul! He killed me! And now, it's my turn to kill him. He tried to push me off of him, but I grabbed his wrist and broke it, making him scream out in pain.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, growling. My shadows flared and blocked everyone's path. I could hear them screaming at me to stop, but it was like I couldn't. I didn't want to stop.

I felt a hand on my shoulder but I ignored it. I was getting angrier and angrier by the second. I felt someone's breath on my ear, but I still ignored it.

"Cait, stop." Wilford whispered, and it was like I snapped back to reality. I was thrown off of Dark and my back hit the wall.

I was breathing heavily, the madness cleared, making me think more clearly. I heard Dark gasping for breath and muffled voices. Why would I attack him? I felt eyes on me and I shook my head. This whole thing was a mistake.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before I disappeared, going to the last place anyone would go.

The Hollowed Vales.


A/n kinda short, I know. I'm not feeling too good, so I need sleep. Sorry guys

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