10: Funeral

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Third Person POV

It's been a week since Cait died. Everyone took it hard. The YouTubers decided to take a break from YouTube for a while so that they could grieve. Dark and Anti disappeared not long after her death.

Mark was able to get ahold of her mother. Her mom was the last family she had, and now her mom lost her.

Everyone arrived at the funeral plot where they were burying Cait. Soft sobs and stifled sniffles filled the air. Nobody talked. They didn't want to talk. Mark blamed himself for her death.

'if only I had woken up sooner' he would say, trying to contain his sobs.

No one knew who stabbed her. Nobody saw Die. Nobody saw him cry as he let her slip away. He didn't want to kill her, but Wilford forced him to.

It was kill or be killed.

Die went missing around the same time as Dark and Anti.

Void was silent as she walked up to her old hosts casket, a purple flower in her hand. She placed the flower on the lid, a single tear escaping her eye.

Void had grown fond of Cait. She thought of her as her little sister. She blamed herself for what had happened.

'if only I was faster when Dark ripped out her soul.' she would mutter to herself.

Jack didn't know what to do. He enjoyed Cait's company, even if she had hurt Lily. He knew that she didn't mean it.

'if only I forgave her sooner.' Jack would sob, wishing he could say so many things to her.

Lily was pissed. She didn't know Cait that well, but her death hit her hard as well. She had no memory of Cait hurting her. She had heard everyone whispering about it, but she knew that Cait had to do what she had to do.

Lily wanted revenge. Lily was going to finish what Cait had started.

Lily was going to kill Wilford.

The funeral had ended. Everyone was leaving to go home or to their hotel rooms. Only one person remained.


He didn't want to leave. He just lost a close friend. He regretted everything. He wanted her back.

His tears slipped down his face, touching the fresh soil. He put his head down, a sob escaping his lips. He fell to his knees, clutching a picture he printed out. It was of Cait and him on the day they met. She looked so happy. So human. So...alive.

His tears hit the picture he held in his hands, a soft patter sound. The sky slowly darkened as rain started to fall. It started as a light drizzle before turning into a heavy rain. He slowly stood up, his tears mixing with the rain water.

He walked away with one last glance at the grave of his friend.

A soft thud was muffled by the rain.

A groan.

A muffled scream.

Her eyes opened.

Instead of their normal colour, they were a pitch black.

Cait was alive.

And she was pissed.


A/n welcome to part two! Oof this gave me chills.

Cait isn't the same anymore. You can't die three times and still be a happy little shithead.

The human part of her is dead. Gone. All that's left is the demon part.

And her demon side is the most ruthless.

Buckle up motherfuckers cause shit just got real.


Dedicated to Ginger1101 and Horroryas

Everyone go read their books!

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