9: If Only

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A/n a little late, I know. I've been really busy, so this might be short. Sorry guys! Hopefully I can update more!


I woke up, my mind racing. I saw everyone looking down at me, worried. Wilford was going to make me kill everyone. He was going to make me kill Dark. I don't want to hurt my friends. I don't know what to do.

"Guys, I don't mean to alarm you, but Wilford is going to make me kill you." I said, standing up, ignoring the pain in my stomach.

"What?!" Ethan shouted, backing away from me.

"If I can find him first, none of you will be harmed. I'll need your help. Anti, if I start giggling, stab me." I explained, looking at Anti who nodded at me.

"Gladly." Anti said, smirking. I smiled and looked at Lily, Felix, Mark, Jack, and Ethan.

"Guys, you aren't on the list right now. If something does go wrong, don't get in my way and stay quiet. Like I said, I don't want to harm anyone. I'm done with that life." I said, trying to calm their nerves. They nodded and Void walked up to me.

"Little one, are you sure you want to do this?" Void asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Yes. You guys are my friends. I don't take kindly to threats." I answered, referencing one of Jack's videos. I looked at Dark and sighed.

"You look like you're afraid." Dark said, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"You're first on his list." I said, my heart aching. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked behind me, seeing Mark.

"Cait, no matter what happens, you're still our friend and we forgive you. I'm sorry that this all started when you met me." Mark said, his voice soft. I smiled at him and nodded slightly.

I heard a ringing in my ears and I gasped in pain. I brought my hands up to my ears as the ringing intensified. I fell to my knees and screamed. I felt something warm trickle out of my eyes and nose, and then finally my ears. The ringing stopped abruptly and I panted.

I stood up, regaining my composure and I looked around the room. Everyone was passed out. I heard a deep chuckle and I turned around, seeing Die standing over Felix.

"Die." I sneered, glaring at him.

"My dear, you're bleeding. Come here." Die said, his voice oddly soothing. I felt compelled to go to him.

"What do you want?" I snapped, resisting the urge to go into his open arms.

"I came to see you. Unlike these people, I actually care. Look at them, sleeping while you're hurt." Die said, walking towards me slowly, his arms still open.

"You're lying." I said, looking at my friends. They were sleeping, and my stomach started to burn. I looked at my stomach to see that there was a knife in it, right below the other stab wound. When did that get there?

I whimpered and began to fall. Die caught me as I started to panic. Fear was rising in my brain and the pain was unbearable. Why do I keep getting stabbed? Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just die? Let me die.

"Kill me, please Die. I can't take this anymore. Please. Just let me die." I begged, fed up with life.

"I can't." Die whispered, pulling the knife out of my stomach. I groaned as blood began to pour out of me.

"Please. I'm begging you. Please." I begged more, feeling sleepy.

"This was always going to happen you know. I think it's fitting that the person who brought you into this mess should be the one to see you out of it." Die said. I was growing more and more tired. Die set me down gently and disappeared once more.

I heard someone groan and I slowly looked over to see Mark wake up. His eyes landed on me and he scrambled over to me, tears in his eyes. He lifted my head up and I smiled at him.

"Cait please, I can call an ambulance. Just hold on okay? Hold on for me." Mark said tearfully. I shook my head slowly and winced as his hand was pressed against my wound.

"No. M-Mark, it's time. I...n-n-never kn-knew th-that your f-face wo-would b-be the last o-one I see." I stuttered, my body growing weaker as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Cait, stay awake! Please! You can't go! We need you! We love you! Please." Mark begged, bringing his forehead down to touch mine. His tears hit my face as I struggled to breathe.

"M-Mark. D-did I e-e-ever t-tell you a-about h-h-how I f-f-found y-you?" I managed to get out. I just had to see his smile one last time. Just one last time.

"No. How'd you find me?" Mark asked, desperate to keep me talking. I heard more people begin to wake up, but I focused on Mark.

"Y-you po-popped up o-on my re-recommendation li-list." I whispered. I saw a small smile appear on his face before I closed my eyes, finally at peace.

Third Person POV

Mark let out a strangled cry as he held his now dead friend. As soon as he did the others finally woke up, confused. They looked at Mark and saw that he was in a puddle of blood, holding Cait. He brought Cait up to his chest and held her, sobs shaking both of their bodies.

Felix started to cry as he made his way over to them, putting a hand on his friends shoulder. Dark let out an angry yell and punched a wall, tears falling from the demons eyes. It was the first time he cried in years. Anti stood up, numb. He couldn't believe that his frenemie was dead.

Everyone in the room was silent, the only sound filling the room was Marks sobs. Wilford had won. He had broken everyone. His plan worked, and now he could do what he pleased.

Cait was dead. And she would stay dead.

If only they could turn back time.

If only Cait was strong enough to kill Wilford when she had the chance.

But that's what life is. A whole if only.

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