Chapter 3-Prepare Yourslef

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A/N Here is the third's gonna start to pick up soon(: .xx omg lol c; -->


                We woke up at 8:00 A.M., had tea and toast, and watched T.V. By 8:30 we had pulled on our sweats and a Tee-shirt and headed off to the airport in Omaha. We had a good two hour drive ahead of us, maybe two and a half because of the traffic…it was 8:30 in the morning on a weekday in September. It was sure to be pretty busy.

                The drive there absolutely sucked ass. Why? Well, on the way there the prick in front of me slammed their braked and so I had to. We were so lucky we didn’t hit the back of the car in front of us because we were our neighbor’s driving a car that Jason had rented us. Then suddenly we felt a bump behind us. “SHIT!” we both yelled at the same time. Be both quickly unbuckled our seatbelts and got out of the car in the middle of the highway. We looked and a guy had run into the back of our car. “Damn! Prick! You tailgated us!” I heard Madi slightly yell under her breath. We ran back into the car because the line had started to move. ”DAMMIT!” I yelled. I signaled him to pull over; he did, as did I. “Why now? Why today? Why on a big day? Why can't this happen on a different day!?” Madi almost screamed. I started to get Closter phobic. “Madi calm down.” I said in a calm voice. The police had showed and asked for the license and papers. Luckily my neighbor had insurance.

                Everything was now fine. Jason would help us get the car fixed when we got there and we were now back on our way. Only about 20 minutes were cut out of our time. Everything was now fine. Until I tried to roll down the window. I pressed the button to roll down the window because I thought it would calm us down. You know? The sound of the wind? Yeah! Well because of the guy hitting the back of the car, it must have messed something up inside the car, because when I pressed the button to roll down the window, it dropped straight down, all the way down into the door. Now the driver seat window was stuck. I guess we he can get that fixed too. No problem right? Wrong. We had to drive behind a truck. With living pigs in it! There was pig poop flying in through the broken window! For 20 miles!!!

                Now you think that’s the worst part of the car ride there right? Wrong again!! As we were driving to a rest stop, we saw a hobo. We decided to be nice and give him money, thinking it might change our luck around? We gave him 15 dollars. He was so happy, it made us happy. As we were driving away, we were about 3 miles away from the man. We were driving on a smooth road; everything was fine, the most relaxing part of the trip. Then we ran over a piece of a beer bottle and it gave us a flat tire. There was NO stop within miles. We called Jason to ask him what he thought we should do. He asked if there was a spare anywhere in the car. He said it rather loudly, anyway we found one and we felt a wave of relief wash over us. We quickly changed it within ten minutes and then we were off. We were all dirty and gross.

                “First thing we do when we get to Jason’s. TAKE SHOWERS!!!” I agreed with her with a head nod. I put on my sunglasses and turned on the radio. One thing was on and it was right at the beginning. We both squealed and turned it up, singing every word as loud as we could. We had to have it loud anyway, who could hear with all that wind from the window?! People in other cars were staring at us and honking and giving us the finger. We didn’t care! This was our week and we were gonna do whatever we wanted! Our day was turning around.

                We were hungry and there was a subway so we bought some. I had a Spicy Italian with provolone cheese and pickles ^_^ we ate as we drove to the Omaha airport. After Madi ate she dozed off. I figured I’d let her sleep, although I wonder why she’s tired...I sat there and watched her and thought about one night me, Madi, Jenna, Yael, Meira, and Austin had... I can't believe how wasted Madi got…someone brought alcohol she was weak after one glass. She only drank because she got in a fight with her mom... it was a week after her dad died. We were 15. We can't remember why... but she's lucky no one got hurt! Austin had to drive her home. That was Madi's first drink. I hope she never will again.

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