Chapter 4-Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles at My Door?

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When Madi woke up she still felt dirty so she took another shower. I got up and figured I might as well take a shower too. The whole time I was in the shower I was thinking about the connection I felt between me and Lou last night in the car. When I got out I brushed my teeth, picked out my clothes, blow dried my hair and straightened it. Madi did the same. We put on a little makeup and went downstairs.

“How’d you like your surprise last night girls?” Jason asked us the very moment we went downstairs.  “It was really cool I thought it was amazayn. But how did y—““IT WAS FUCKING AMAZAYN! IT WAS FUCKING LOUIS FUCKING WILLIAM FUCKING TOMLINSON FUCKING FUCK! I CAN’T EXPRESS THE EMOTIONS RUNNING THROUGH ME I CAN’T! I CAN’T! I. CAN’T. BREATHE!” Madi interrupted.  “Please breathe.” Jason said seriously.

Jason had left for school. 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door.  I opened the door and we saw him again Louis! I felt the connection again…it was strong. “Sorry for was I said last night…I haven’t gotten very much sleep lately” Madi lied. He just laughed “its okay babe” he said softly. I noticed him look right at me and smile. Like I said I have a HUGE blushies problem so I couldn’t help but blush. Then he said something that could have put Madi and I in the hospital “Oh, yeah and Harry’s in the car” Lou awkwardly turned around to go get him, but there was no need, Madi was already running out the door and into the car. Man, I’ve never seen anyone run that fast in my life. I stupidly stood there frozen. “Come on, we don’t bite…except for Niall…and he’s not here right now” he smiled and pulled me out the door.

Madi was standing outside the car door standing there awkwardly just staring at Harry. Harry rolled down the window. “Hey babe,” he said to Madi “What’s your name?” he asked. “Madi” she replied. “Get in” he said and smiled. Madi ran around the car to the passenger side like a little puppy. “And who’s this?” Harry asked Lou. Louis put his arm around me and said “Alison” as he looked down and smiled at me, with his arm still around me. He opened the back seat door to the car and gestured me to get in. I got in and Lou got in and sat right by me. “Something’s not right her. This is too perfect” I thought. Then it came to me “Hey…as much as I LOVE this…why are you guys just…here…with us?” I asked the boys awkwardly Harry and Lou suddenly looked nervous. “Coincidence?” Harry said with a smile. “Mmmmm Hmmmm…” I said dropping the subject. Madi didn’t care why they were here. She was just happy to be sitting next to harry, almost holding hands.

“This is going fast…” I thought. Harry’s hand inched closer to Madi’s while Lou’s arm was still around me. I guess I can just drop it. I smiled. Then another thought occurred to me. Where are we going? Madi suddenly burst “Harry, Alison may drop it but I really want to know why you're here. We’ve waited two years for this moment. I want to know the truth. And if you dare lie. I swear Harry Styles if you lie to me I will pack my bags and leave this moment” Jesus! That's Madi's first sentence! Wow she's clam! Everyone just sat there awkwardly. Everyone’s speechless when finally Harry looks at Louis and Louis nods his head. Harry stopped the car and stared into Madi’s eyes, which of course, made her melt “Well we heard it was you birthday and we wanted it to be special. We’re going to do something fun!” he smiled “What do you wanna do babe?” “Uhhhhhhhhhh…Movie?” she managed to spit out. Harry began to drive again.

When we go to the movie theater we had no idea what movie to see. “Four tickets toooooooooooooo…Uhhhhhh?” said Harry “The Last Song” Madi spit out the first movie she saw, “Yeah I’ve never seen it” Madi finished. “Okay, four tickets to The Last Song” He smiled at Madi as he took the tickets, got some popcorn and soda, and walked to theater 4. We were sitting in this order: Lou, me, Madi, and Harry. In the move when the dad died, Madi started crying next to me. I immediately knew what was wrong. She was heartbroken because her dad was dead. She burst into tears and ran out of the theater. Harry caught her arm and tried to stop her, but she kept running. “What’s wrong?” Harry asked me, knowing I would know. I told him about Madi’s dad and he stood up and ran out of the theater right after her. He found her outside the building. “I’m sorry” he said almost in tears. Madi turned around because she didn’t want him to see her cry. He turned her back around. “its okay” He said softly. He pulled her close to his chest, and she just stood there, crying softly into Harry’s shirt.

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