He reacts to you dating someone else

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Who: Wyatt

-Finds out from Instagram


-*audible heartbreak*


Who: Jaeden

-Finds out because Jeremy told her

-"Are you sure?"

-Everyone in the room freaked out because they heard aloud tearing sound

-"Everyone calm down it was just her heart"- Jeremy Taylor 2018


Who: Sophia

-Fans told him

-He was taking pictures with them and they were randomly like

-"(y/n)'s with Sophia"

-Bitch you pulled a Carol and Ross

-^if you understand I'll love you forever


Who: Finn

-Finds out from Finn himself

-"yo I'm dating (y/n)"

-"bitch whet"

-Shook but not surprised


Who: Jack

-he was in the theater watching Heathers the same day you were

-You and Jack kissed during Meant to Be Yours

-I dunno why he kissed you during that song its not romantic at aLL

-if you watch Heathers you know what I'm talking about

Who: Chosen

-Finds out from twitter

-Yours and Chosen's ship name was number 1 on trending

-yay you're winning

-number 2 was #FUcheaters

-what a coincidence



Who: Wyatt(gettin' allllll the ladies/guys)

-finds out from Social media

-Fans spotted you and Wyatt kissing in the park

-There was pictures of you kissing and him pushing you on the swings

-You looked like a kid in a Candy Store(hehe)

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