Car you guys get

2.9K 26 23

I don't fucking know


Brand: Chevy Impala

Year: 1967 some one please know where I'm going with this

Colour: black


Brand: Rolls Royce

Year: cant fucking remember

Colour: Rose gold because fuck you

jk I love you guys


Brand: Bugatti

Year: 2018

Colour: All black


Brand: Mustang (convertible)

Year: 1967

Colour: Cherry Red

My gramma had this exact car in the late 60s/mid 70s and I loved hearing her talk about it I don't know why

my gramma is so badass I love her so much shes so amazing


Brand: Cadillac DeVille

Year: 1967

what is with me and cars from the 60's

Colour: Black or white


Brand: Chevy Corvette

year: 1953

Colour: White


Brand: Ford Thunderbird

Year: 1958

Colour: Like mint/aqua

skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle

this aint proofreaD

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