Someone makes an edit of you

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The song: Salvatore by lana del rey

Why the chose the song: Because they felt it was eerie enough to fit the reason they made the edit in the first place

Why the made it: They noticed you were very quiet and had a tendency to zone out a lot. You almost seemed to not be, ya know, there, when in reality, you were but it was like your mind wasn't. They started noticing you were constantly like this, so they made the edit and posted it to Instagram

The aftermath of the edit: People started comparing you to MKULTRA experiments which led to Shane dawson making an entire fucking video focusing directly on that subject. People lost their shit when you actually performed Salvatore at a panel and you seemed so, emotionless.

This was supposed to be happy

what did i do

i didn't mean for this to happen



The Song: Gangsta by Kehlani

Why the song: I'm literally gonna stop putting this because the reason for all of them is just it fit the edit well

Why they made the edit: You seem so soft and gentle but everyone knows you can kick ass because they've seen you boxing and like wow. Another reason that's like a sub reason to the last i guess is because you've been known to walk around in pastel clothes while also sporting diamond encrusted brass knuckles.

^i actually own a pair and do this a lot


The song: Side to side by Ariana grande

The reason: Short and simple, on multiple occasions you've been seen limping around or grabbing onto the walls to hold yourself up


The song: Raise hell by Dorothy

Why: Once again, short and simple, you are often being called a she-devil because of your antics and literally you fucking liked the edit on Instagram and commented 'lol me' and then right after that 'HAHA LITERALLY ME'

you are loved by all for your humor

your weird ass humor


The song: Say it to my face by Madison beer

Why: Fans knew about him cheating(refer to 'you breakup' to understand')and ALL of them were on your side of this so they decided to get, ehem, revenge, and did this.

You have great fans

Everyone loves you


The song: Hypnotic by Zella day

Why: You are very soft-spoken and just, quiet, and the person who made it was actually lowkey pointing out the crazy amount of differences between you and wyatt but it was still a ship edit. Everyone in the comments section was just like 'wait are you shipping or shading'

shipping and shading became your motto

whats a motto

nothing whats a motto with you

I'm a mess


The song: Copycat by Billie Eilish

Why: You are very good at keeping people in their place by outing them and exposing them. You also take shit from no one and you are not afraid to let people know when you don't like them/want them to leave. Basically you just don't give a shit

This is random but fuck it

also like i said it was supposed to be happy like wtf

Ignore any and all mistakes I'm not wearing my glasses

^lol you never are dumbass

^^did i just respond to myself


i need to get off before this gets out of hand

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