Chapter 1: The Sun Rises

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A/N: Hello everyone! Just dropping by to say a few things before we begin. To those who are new here and have not read Road to Redemption, I welcome you and hope you enjoy my fics. This fic, in particular, is meant to be a sort of origin story to Sosuke Aizen and many of the other Bleach villains.  This story is mostly AU given that as 2018 Tite had shot down many of the headcanons I implement in this fic ( The first draft of it was written in 2012) so if that isn't your cup of tea I recommend you skip it. The fic's also OC heavy, some of them even paired with canon characters, so again, if you don't like these tropes feel free to skip the fic entirely.

Now for those of you who have read Road to Redemption, glad to see ya again and I'm sorry for the small cliffhanger back there, we'll take care of that soon, fear not. There'll be moments with the couples from redemption as they appear in the story. keep in mind that this fic will span almost 300 years in terms of events, but I will make sure to have our GinRan, HItsuhina, and of course, our Ulquihime in there. As always I hope you enjoy it and Thanks for reading!

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump. Hanabira and the De La Rosa family are the only characters I own.

Chapter 1: The Sun Rises

The storm outside seemed insignificant compared to what Hanabira was feeling at the moment. Another rush of pain went through her as she pushed. Kyoraku and Ukitake were both squeezing her hand. "Hang in there." The white-haired captain whispered.

"That's it Hana, just one more time!" Unohana's calm voice was almost inaudible through the buzzing in her ears. Hanabira felt as if the room was spinning, she wasn't sure if she could make it.

'Just one more' she tried to ease herself, pushing as hard as she could before her energy was drained. Lighting struck as she gave her final push, then the white room was filled with the sound of a baby's cries.

"That's our girl!" Kyoraku chuckled. "You did it Hana-Chan!"

"Congratulations! It's a beautiful baby boy!" Unohana had cleaned the baby and wrapped him in a white blanket, she passed the bundle onto Hanabira's arms.

He was beautiful, a patch of dark brown hair rested on his small head, his skin was a peach color and his eyes... they were his father's eyes.

"What shall you name him?" Ukitake's question brought her back to reality. Hanabira thought for a moment before smiling.

"His name shall be Sosuke. Sosuke Aizen."

Ukitake smiled back. "That sounds lovely! Little Sosuke Aizen, do you like that?" He talked to the newborn who let out a yawn. "I guess he does."

"He'll probably be a lady killer like uncle Shunsui." He teased. The rest of the group rolled their eyes. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm sure Sosuke will appreciate having you all here to help care for him." Hanabira smiled at her friends.

"We'll have all the paperwork in order soon so you can fill it. Get some rest, okay." Captain Unohana had to drag the other two captains out the door with her.

"I will. Thanks, everyone!"

They nodded in acknowledgment before leaving the room. Hanabira looked once again at her son, his small hand was stretched trying to grasp one of her curls.

She chuckled as she caressed his hair. "You're going to do amazing things my little prince." he cooed in response. "Yes. I'm sure if it. Now sleep, I love you."

It seemed as if the child understood. After a few minutes of being caressed, he fell asleep, moving his small body towards her warmth.

Hanabira was drifting away too. How was she going to deal with this? There were so many things she knew, and so much that could go wrong...

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