Chapter 26: Before Disaster

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A/N: Hello everybody! I hope you all been enjoying the story so far. As always I hope you like and Thanks for reading!🤗😋

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Hibiki, Mitsuru, Anna and Hanabira belong to me

Chapter 26:  Before Disaster

"Good! Great stance, now do it again." Mitsuru observed as Kugo slashed the dummy hollows with ease.

"How's he doing?" Jyushiro stood beside him.

"Really good. He's a natural."

"That's nice. I'm sure he'll do an excellent job for the time being. Make sure he keeps the pass nearby. We wouldn't want accidents to happen."

"Sure thing."

As Jyushiro left, Kugo had finished his training. The dummy hollows had been defeated, and it had taken him less time to bring them down.

"Excellent work. Go take a bath and we'll go back to Naruki."

"You ok?"

"Yes. I'm just sleepy. I'll meet you at the senkaimon gate."

Once he was alone he took out the pendant. "Any progress Anna-san?"

"I'm afraid not, information about fullbringer biology is very limited. I require time, lots of it. Maybe one or two years."

"You'll have them. I'll look over them in the meantime."

"Look after yourself too kiddo. I mean it."


Running around after hollows wasn't fun when she was alone, but now that Kugo teamed up with her, it was all the better.

"Two down and one to go. These things are slippery." Masaki protested. " Maybe it's camouflaged?"

"It's likely. I can feel them walking nearby. Stay behind me and when I lure him out, shoot it."


They followed the plan, once the boney lizard detected Kugo's presence he charged at him. Only to be pierced with one of Masaki's arrows.

"That's the last one. Let's get back to the club before Hibiki starts getting worried."

Masaki smiled as they arrived at the familiar building. 'Once I'm old enough, I'll come here every day.'

The usual group was inside having lunch, it was almost a ritual by now that when the club was closed the fullbringers would just use it to hang out.

"Hey, you guys are back! How was it?"

Jackie came out of the kitchen. From the flour in her hair, Masaki could tell she had been cooking.

"Lunch will be done soon. Hope you all like stuffed potato balls.".

"I've always wanted to try those. Thanks, Jackie."

Jackie winked at her and the trio sat down at one of the empty tables. "I didn't think it would be so easy to get used to Japan. It's only been a month and I've already grown attached."

"It's a pretty place. And the people are irreplaceable." Kugo smiled widely as looked at the others.

Masaki knew what he meant. The fullbringers came from all over the world to train here and many had chosen to stay, just because of how close they've grown to each other. Even she, a Quincy, had been accepted into that makeshift family.

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