Chapter 11

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Levy P.O.V

It's been a month since I woke up and I was finally able to get up and moving. My wings were still to damaged to let me fly, so Gajeel flew me everywhere.

Like today for example, we were going to where Mavis' tree once stood. He set me down on the burned ground and I looked around. Everything was charred and dead, it made my heart ache.

Gajeel gently put his hand on my shoulder and I smiled sadly. I knelt down where the tree once stood and I silently prayed to Mavis.

Gajeel patiently waited for me and when I finished he gently lifted me into this arms. "Where to?" he asked. I thought for a moment. "Lets go to the meadow."He nodded and lifted us into the air.

I held onto his neck and smiled softly. I loved this dragon so much it hurt, and he was so kind to me. Once we reached the meadow we sat. The sun was setting low in the sky, turning it beautiful pinks and oranges.

I laid back on the grass and stared up at the whispy clouds. "Your pretty quiet." He said as he looked down at me. "Just thinking." I said. "About what?"

I was quiet for a moment. "Do you want to go back to being a dragon?" I was afraid to hear the answer. I mean, if he truest wanted to I would turn him back. I wouldn't want him to be unhappy.

He chuckled."No I dont." I looked up at him. He smiled that soft smile he saved for me. "Because if I was a dragon, I couldn't be with you like this." I blushed lightly and smiled. He smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He gently pulled me into his lap and held me. "Levy?" "Hm?" it was still strange hearing him say my name.

"Will you be with me forever? Will you stay by my side and love me?" he pulled something out of his pocket. I stared wide eyes at the small silver ring. I looked up at him and grinned. "Of course!" I hugged him tightly and kissed him. He kissed me back and slid the ring onto my finger.

I would stay by his side till the end of my days.

{All done my loves! Be sure to check out my other stories!}

The Dragon and The Fairy{Book 2 in the Dragons Love Affair}[A GaLe Tale]Where stories live. Discover now