Chapter 4.9: rei and the very big ship

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On an aerial reconnaissance mission, Rei and Benaro Tatagi find something different to what they had bargained for.

[Author's note: This story takes place about 21 months after the story The Promise. It takes place immediately before the story Dead and the Last Show, and the concluding section of this story acts as a prelude to that story.]

"You're getting good at this," said Benaro Tatagi. "You'd be almost ready for a pilot's licence, if there was still such a thing."

Rei did, indeed, seem pretty comfortable at the controls of the little plane.

"Takashi once told me that riding a motorcycle without a licence was the right of every high school student," she said. "I guess the same thing applies to a plane."

"Really?" said Benaro. "Of course, anyone can fly straight and level like this."

In response, Rei put the plane into a banking turn. As they approached Tokonosu City, she took the plane lower and swooped through a canyon of tall buildings.

"Very funny," said Benaro. "You know, I don't remember teaching you that."

"Hey, there's the hotel where we stayed for a while," she said, pointing. "What's left of it, anyway. Hirano blew up a chunk of it. And there's the park where we killed about a thousand zombies."

Benaro nodded. "And there's the bridge where I first saw you and took your picture," he said. He was inspecting the city with binoculars.

"See any of them?" said Rei.

"No, not one, which is a bit odd," he said. "When I've passed over here before I've seen at least a couple of dozen of them wandering around. Swing to starboard."

"Eh?" said Rei.

"Go left," said Benaro. "I see something off the coast."

They headed for it.

"Whoa," said Rei as they approached. "That's a very big ship."

It was an aircraft carrier. A tattered American flag hung from the mast. There was a name on the ship's side: USS FORRESTAL. It was drifting, and it looked as if it had been drifting for a long time.

Rei circled. There was no sign of life, although there were several planes and helicopters lashed down. There were letters painted roughly on the deck: HEL

"My English is not great but I assume that that was meant to say HELP," she said. "Looks like the writer got interrupted by ... something."

"So there are probably zombies on board, but maybe also survivors," said Benaro. "Pity we can't do anything about it."

"We can land," said Rei. "It's an aircraft carrier, after all, and the deck looks clear enough."

"Uh, did I mention that there are probably zombies on board?" said Benaro.

"And also possibly survivors. If we can help them, we should."

Benaro looked at her. "You people are way too brave for us simple soldiers," he said. "But if we're going to land, then maybe I should do it."

Rei nodded, and they changed places. They circled again, and then Benaro brought the plane down. He taxied to the control tower and brought the plane to a halt. There was no sign of life.

"What are you carrying?" said Rei as they got out.

"Excuse me?"


"Oh. Well, I have my service pistol."

Rei sighed. She pulled out the duffle bag she had put in the back of the plane. She handed Benaro an automatic rifle and took out her Super Match, with extra clips. She took two grenades from the bag, putting one in her pocket and giving the other to Benaro. She had her usual Glock point-7 in the holster that she wore at the back of her belt.

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