Chapter 0.3: Z-day - Saya's story

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Z Day - Saya's story

Saya thinks that it might be a good day, for once. She is wrong

[Author's Note: This story takes shortly before the first zombie comes to the gate of Fujimi High School.]

The chauffer opened the door of the limousine for Saya. She climbed in, to be greeted by a Mozart adagio.

"Fuck it," she said to herself. She tried to remember the name of the chauffer, but it escaped her. There were so many people working at the Takagi mansion, she could hardly be expected to remember them all. Or, indeed, any of them. She took a CD out of her schoolbag and passed it over the seat to the chauffer. "Please play this instead of Amadeus," she said.

" 'The Akeboshi Rockets'," read the chauffer. "I hardly think that your mother would approve, Lady Saya."

"I'm totally sure she would not," said Saya. "Just put it on. And please don't call me that."

"As you like, Miss Takagi."

Saya sighed. I hate my life, she thought.

At least the chauffer put the CD on, although his air of marked reluctance spoiled any enjoyment she might have otherwise got from it. As they left the grounds, she took out her computer and called up the schedule for the day. Classes: Advanced Maths, Accelerated Scientific Methodologies, Advanced Studies in ... something or other. High Level Whatever.

She sighed again. At least there were no sporting activities today. That was good. Not great, but good. No sport meant no repetition of that unpleasant incident over who was running the goddamn volleyball team.

She closed the Class schedule and called up Social Plan. Lunch with the second- and third-wealthiest girls in the school. Not particularly appetising, but necessary if she was to stay abreast of the school gossip. If she was lucky they could get a balcony table, so they could watch the boys' football team practising. That might make up for the lunch company.

After school, a visit to the local mall. She enjoyed that, mainly because she could walk there rather than having to go in the limo. She couldn't see why so many of the people at school liked riding in the limo, when she thought to make the offer to them. It was really just a well-padded branch of the family prison, with wheels.

Ah, here was something positive at the mall. Hairdresser appointment. Always good. And then she could go to the designer shoe shop nearby, where they served her champagne without worrying that she was under the legal drinking age. Champagne was good, it stopped her from worrying about ... things. She wondered vaguely if there was a way to get the hairdresser to serve it as well.

There seemed to be a lot of traffic jams today, and a peculiarly high number of vehicles with sirens going somewhere or other, but eventually the school came into sight. "Please turn into the next side-street and stop," she said to the chauffer.

"But we are not there yet," he said.

"Just do it," said Saya. "I would like to walk the last couple of blocks." So no-one will see me arriving in this thing, she thought.

"Very well ... Lady Saya," said the chauffer.

She let it pass, just glad to get out. As she walked through the gates, she saw the usual things. That stupid chubby guy who was in some of her classes, Hitano or Hirona or something, was getting bullied again. Well, nothing to do with her. There was Komuro, who she had known since kindergarten, standing on the balcony of a stairwell. She had seen him moping around there before. She remembered a piece of gossip that Rei - what was her second name? Miyomata? Miyamoto? anyway, the girl with the weird hair that stood up like a pair of antennae - had dated him for a while but was now with ... some other guy. Komuro was probably feeling sorry for himself over it. I'll go up there and tell him he's being more stupid than usual, she thought.

All in all, the day was shaping up as mostly a pile of crap. She would go to the first class of the day, because that subject wasn't as totally boring as the others. Maybe she would cut the next couple. Maybe all of them. It was not like she needed to go; she had learned the work weeks ago. And what could they do, expel her? Ha, that would give her parents a surprise, if they noticed.

It sounded like a plan. She was good at planning. She would tell Komuro how stupid he was, and then go to Maths, and then would take the rest of the day off. Go to the mall or somewhere. Take a bus - a bus! - to the boutique district, perhaps. Drink some champagne. Maybe a lot of champagne. Maybe she would talk to someone she hadn't talked to before. Maybe buy another Rockets CD, since she had left the one she had in the limo.

Maybe today would be the day when she would finally make it over the fence. And speaking of fences, there seemed to be some sort of commotion at the school's front gate. Well, nothing to do with her.

"This is going to be a good day," she said to herself.


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