Chapter 2.5: Saeko's secret story

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Saeko's Secret Story

Master swordsman and stern warrior she may be, but a girl needs what a girl needs.

[Author's Note: This story takes place while the group is in the city; that is, within the time period of the story Dead and the Better Zombie.]

"Thank you for coming with me, Saeko," said Miss Marikawa. "Even before the zombies, it wasn't always safe for a girl to walk around the city by herself."

"I know," said Saeko. She looked back: the hotel where the group was temporarily based was quite a distance away, fifteen blocks or so. The two of them were looking for a medical supplies store, aiming to replenish their stocks before leaving the city. "I don't much like staying in the hotel anyway."

"Really?" said Miss Marikawa. "You seem to spend a lot of time in your room."

There's a good reason for that, thought Saeko grimly. When she had volunteered to accompany Miss Marikawa she had had an ulterior motive: she was hoping that the nurse could offer some assistance with the issue that Saeko had come to think of as 'an excess of stimulation' - or abject horniness, to put it another way. Maybe tranquilisers. Strong tranquilisers.

It's the fighting and the constant danger, Saeko said to herself. Makes a girl want, well, everything. Hence, you spend a lot of time in your room.

But now that she was alone with Miss Marikawa she couldn't think of a way to raise the subject. She had never before been particularly interested in sex, although there had been a number of lovers along the way. She had seen other girls preening themselves and talking obsessively about men, and she had not been able to really understand why. Now, she was finding it difficult to think about anything else. She put her hand on the hilt of the sword in her belt. Long and hard, she found herself thinking. She sighed.

Miss Marikawa was chattering about something. "Desserts!" she said. "I really miss desserts! Especially soufflés! Do you think we'll ever see a soufflé again?"

"No," said Saeko.

They finally came to a medical supplies store. It looked safe enough, but Saeko asked: "Are you armed?"

"Yes, Hirano gave me this," said Miss Marikawa, holding up a stubby machine gun. "It's an Easy, apparently."

Uzi, thought Saeko, although she said nothing.

They went in, and the place seemed to be clear. Miss Marikawa began to gather supplies.

Saeko walked to the front of the store and looked across the street. There was a small shop, with a sign: ADULT TOYS - ALL TYPES.

Hmm, she thought.

"While you are collecting your supplies," she called out to Miss Marikawa, "I might just ... go ... over - "

There was the sound of shots. Three.

"Out," said Saeko. "Now."

Miss Marikawa quickly threw a few more items into her bag and they ran into the street.

Two more shots.

"This way," said Saeko. "Not far."

They ran up the street and around the corner, and then into an alley.

And came to a dead halt.

There was a man there, holding a bloody machete in one hand and a long-barrelled pistol in the other. His shirt was torn, revealing a pair of broad shoulders. There were three dead - that is, more dead - zombies around him. As the two women watched, a bead of sweat trickled out of his dark hair and ran down his tanned, muscular chest.

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