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aria wu

The auction ended up being a bust. We got the news late in the night when the actual auction began. According to HQ, it was a set up to keep our eyes off the real plan. Supposedly they robbed the national museum of their new artifacts and another team wasn't able to catch them.

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement, but I'm also not so surprised.

When I want to get something over with it usually ends up taking even longer. The faster we finish this and get our guy, the faster we're out of here and on another mission. I don't exactly fancy learning the same things over again.

"Stop sulking," Xukun says on the other side of the pool, holding onto the edge.

"I wouldn't have to sulk if we actually caught Legend," I reply with a sigh. "I should've known we were duped. Even you kind of knew."

"You were following orders. I'm sure if you didn't, Director would've chewed you out, but you have been kind of off lately. What's up with you?"


"Mhmm. That's why you were getting all cozy with Fan Chengcheng," Xukun says swimming over to me. I roll my eyes and splash some water at him as he gets close.

"I was not!"

"Sure that's why you two were laughing so much and you had your arm in his. You know, you two would make a cute couple," Xukun says standing in front of me.

"Shut up."

"Aw, c'mon. No need to get all pouty, Team Leader," he smiles ruffling my wet hair. I immediately swat his hand away and he laughs just as Ziyi and Haohao come out of the house.

"You better leave her alone before she chops your hand off with a knife," Ziyi warns Xukun who I push away from me.

"Is the water cold," Haohao asks coming to the edge of the pool.

"At first, but you get used to it," Xukun replies. "C'mon in my son."

"Stop calling me your son."

"But you are my son."

"You're our son," Ziyi corrects Xukun who nods in agreement before Ziyi turns to me. "And you're the aunt who leeches off us."

"That's not very nice," I mutter sinking into the water until I hear a familiar voice.

"I guess that makes me the uncle who helps with the leeching activities."

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fan chengcheng

"Hey...guys," I greet walking into Justin's room to see the six of them pressing themselves to the window. When they hear me, they immediately fall to the ground. "What the heck are you guys doing?"

"W-We were uh...nothing! How was the thing with your sister," Justin asks getting off the floor and plopping onto his bed while the others find a spot.

I decide to ignore the awkwardness and take a seat in his desk chair. "It wasn't bad actually. Yingyue was there...and Bambang and Keung. Not Shui."

"Yingyue? Really? She was there," Zeren sits up and I nod.

"Wow, you got lucky. I guess she was pretty busy...you probably didn't talk to her either, huh," Xinchun asks lifting his water bottle to his mouth and taking a drink.

"Actually I did." He nearly chokes on his water.

"Be more careful," Zhengting hisses.

"So...was it awkward or what," Wenjun asks.

"Actually, it was fun. We hung out the whole time and she's really nice."


"I swear on my sister's career."

"HEY! No swearing," Zhengting stands to his feet point a finger at me. "You can't just endanger her career like that!"

"I'm not lying. I hung out with her last night, the whole night."

"If you hung out with her then go ask if we can go swimming with them," Xinchun crosses his arms.

"What are you...you were stalking them," I yell making my way to the window where I saw them when I got here. When I look out I can see three of them in the pool while the other, Yingyue, is grabbing a towel off a chair.

"Who's that," Zeren asks and I follow his line of sight to see a familiar figure. He's wearing dark clothing, black pants, a grey shirt, and a leather jacket with sunglasses covering his eyes.

"That's Zhangkai. Supposedly he's Yingyue's fiancé," I mutter watching as she walk towards him then he leads her away from the others. Luckily, at a better view for us.

"Fiancé?! I-Isn't she too...you know- young," Zhengting sputters unable to believe it.

"That's what he said at least, but she insisted he's not. Anyways, what the hell is he doing here?"

"I don't know, but by the looks of it they're talking about something serious."

She stopped drying her body and looks at Zhangkai confused. He keeps talking, but her expression doesn't change. When he finishes she stares at him a moment before nodding her head and speaking. It looks like they're agreeing about something. He speaks again and she nods her head.

"How long are we going to watch them? It's not like Justin's window is tinted," Zeren commented making us all jump back from the window.

But I can't help, but wonder what they were talking about so seriously.

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