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aria wu

"You and Yanjun seemed to be getting along when he came by," Xukun points out as the two of us sit in the bleachers during our P.E. class who are playing dodgeball. The two of us are dressed in our P.E. uniforms along with blue jerseys. We're supposed to play the next round of dodgeball while Ziyi and Zhenghao are playing the current game. They're on the red team though.

"He was being a decent person that's why," I reply thinking about our talk. "Plus, he had some news about the company that I'll have to talk to you all about later."

"I guessed. You two don't usually get along well which is understandable since he is your-"

"Let's not talk about it," I stop him just as Haohao came over muttering about something. "Hey, out already?"

"I wasn't paying attention," he sighs taking the spot beside mine. "You know, Chengcheng is pretty good. He's dodging like their knives, but his flaw is that he keeps looking this way to see if you're watching."

"Oh, you noticed too," Kunkun grins, eyes flickering in my direction. "I'm surprised he hasn't asked you out yet."

I still didn't tell them he did ask me out. "It doesn't matter. When we're done with our mission we'll be gone, I won't be Yingyue and you guys won't be Keung and Shui."

"Don't remind me. I hate always moving around," Kunkun sighs. "Maybe I should retire..."

"Shut your face," I smack his arm as his smile surfaces. I know he wouldn't retire without really talking to me about it and last time he told me he was playing around.

"Have you ever thought about maybe retiring," the later asks quietly looking to me like he's scared I might yell at him.

"No. This is the life I've always lived. I don't know anything outside of it and I don't want to. I won't do good," I answer as honestly as I can. "Plus, I don't think the director would let me go."

"You are a higher up and you're still young. You have time to retire, but I think it's too early for you anyways," Kunkun nods. "But I'm sure if you really wanted to Director would let you go."

"I highly doubt th-"

"Match one winner: the red team. Fan Chengcheng, Wang Bambang, Huang Justin, and Ding Zeren. Match two contenders. Come on down," Coach Auyeung and Coach Wang called and everyone on the bleachers who hadn't played yet come down.

"Stay beside me," Xukun and I say to each other at the same time.

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fan chengcheng

Cai Keung and Yingyue stick beside each other as they play dodgeball. The two of them make a pretty good team, you can see them communicating with one another about the game and warning one another about oncoming attacks.

"She has a good arm," Justin comments watching as she throws the ball with force and it hits Lu Chenyu and he's out.

"Perfect aim. I wouldn't want to go against her," Quanzhe mutters hiding himself behind Wenjun who watches in awe.

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