Part Nine

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Avni pulled back ever so slowly. She looked up at him, her arms still wrapped around his waist.

She held his arm pulling up his sleeves slowly, sighing in relief when she noted he hadn't harmed himself.

She did the same with his other sleeve, tears clouding her vision. "Neil" she didnt have the strength to say anything more

She began to move him toward the first aid kit, cleaning his wound up, bandaging it up slowly

"I know i'm weak, its just the only thing that takes it away"
Avni shook her head "Weak, no, you are the strongest man I have ever met, and we can find better coping mechanisms, I will do some research"

She laughed sadly "This is all new to me, im sorry I cant be of more help"
"You help a lot more than you think" he nodded


Neil's POV-

Avni scrunched up her nose, sniffing.
She always did try to pretend she wasn't crying when reading something.

She continued to massage my scalp as I led on her lap, her eyes running across the page as she read.

I loved to watch her in these moments, when all was silent and all we had was eachother's silent company.

She gasped loudly "He killed her, how horrible is that, she was one of my faviourate characters" she huffed, about to throw the book to the side, then closing it, placing it down gently instead

"Tell me about it" I asked, I loved her voice, so angelic and soothing
She could talk about anything and I would still listen

"Well, there was this serial killer, going around and anyway, she was bestfriends with the main character and he killed her, it's really spoiled my mood"
I liked how she treated me like I was normal, rather than continuously discussing the same thing, she was always so good at knowing when I needed a break

I closed my eyes as she dragged her nails across my scalp
I grabbed her free hand, pressing a kiss to her palm, resting it on my heart

Avni hummed quietly again, her eyes flickering across my face

"You want to get some air, maybe go for a walk"

"Is it okay, if for tonight, we just stay here"

She smiled "Of course, its rare that we get these moments, just us"


Avni stood at the doorway as she waved at Neil, his car driving away

She sighed heavily and closed the door, leaning her head against the cool glass, she looked down at her watch

She felt tired, this was such unknown territory for her

It would only last so long, he'd shut down again soon and she knew that

But maybe last night would be enough for now

Atleast, she hoped it would be


Neil looked through the paperwork, he didnt recall ever signing the form to work with this new business

He frowned, dialling the number of the business, tapping his fingers atop his desk

"Hello, this is Neil Khanna, im calling to enquire about your business, I have a form here stating we start working together on monday, and I think one of my workers must have accepted it without informing me"

"Oh Neil, its so nice to hear your voice, talking to me with the respect I deserve"

Neil sat up straight, "Chaacha" (Uncle)

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