Part Thirteen

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Its New York time! I have been so excited for this chapter as you finally get a glimpse at the Neil without Avni and the Avni without Neil!

Neil knocked on the door, his suitcase stood by his side.

Bebe opened the door, she looked him up and down "Oh come here tillu" she wrapped her arms around him, patting his hair

She looked behind him "Avni, is she coming later"

Neil shook his head "She isnt coming"

"Why not" Bebe frowned, holding her hand out "Give me your phone, I want to talk to her"

"Bebe please, not now"

She sighed "Fine, not now, but soon" she stood back, allowing him to come in

"But if you ever come to my house without Avni again, I wont let you in" she threatened

Neil nodded numbly and walked toward his room


Sunheri placed the cup of coffee down before Avni "Please, its been a few days since youve even spoken, just drink this, it may give you some energy"

Avni sipped on the coffee, black, two sugars, just how he liked it

God she missed him, she had never felt as empty as she did right now

Her eyes pooled with tears, she swallowed, closing her eyes as they made their way down her cheeks

"This isnt over Avni, you never give up, do not give up now"

"What am I meant to do Sunheri, what do I do, he walked away, I cant force him to stay with me" her voice cracked, hoarse from the days of crying

"You go to New York, you show that man what he's missing, you tell him you love him and you stand by his side, he loves you Avni, I can see it in the way he looks at you"

"The way he looks at me" she muttered, dumbfounded

"He looks at you like you are something magical, a masterpiece" she laughed

Avni looked away "Dont be silly"

"No, really, he said to me once, that you were a masterpiece, a stunning piece of art, but as fragile as glass, he said he didnt care if he got cut by broken pieces trying to get close to you, as long as you never got hurt by his broken pieces, he said you were magnificent and truly the most special thing to exist"

"When, when did he say that"

"Your birthday last year"

"Im tired of always fighting for him, he never fights for me" she bit into her lip, gripping the mug tightly

Sunheri shook her head "Allow him the opportunity to fight for you" she suggested

"What do you mean" Avni queried

"I have a plan, one I think might work"


Neil looked down at his coffee, he sighed heavily, drumming his fingers against the table

He wondered what she was doing

If she was okay

If she hurt as bad as he did

Or if maybe she felt free

He needed to hear her voice, just once

He picked up his phone and called her

Bebe watched from behind, tapping her chin

"Hello" Avni spoke

His eyes fluttered shut at hearing her voice, he gripped the phone tightly

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