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One Month Later-

DD sat opposite Neil, he smiled, patting his arm "She's okay honestly" he bit his tounge, not wanting to reveal the nights he and Sunheri had still heard her crying

Neil ran his hands through his hair "I messed up man, so badly, I should have trusted her, but I didn't, now everywhere I go, I see her, the photos on the wall show how much she loved me, how much she trusted me, its the small things she used to do that no one does anymore, and it breaks my heart that I cant hear her laughter anymore, and now I think of it, I figure maybe I never trusted her, the only reason I found her was because I had a tracker on her phone, she had no idea but she never questioned it"

DD slid his phone across the table "I think you should watch this"

Neil grimaced at the video, Avni's face was pale, dark circles under her eyes. He closed his eyes as she began to speak, savouring those moments he could hear her voice

"I am here to inform my fans that I will no longer be dancing, once upon a time I believed that dancing was something I wanted, I wanted to be free but I learnt the hard way that the only person that could free me from the jail of my mind was myself. As you all know, my manager Vidyut had a dark obsession with me, and it was through that I noticed I wasn't happy doing what I was, everyday was a chore and the job wasn't one I loved anymore. I wanted to be a role model to all the young girls, but I can't do that if im not happy"

Neil's eyes opened, he glanced down at the screen as she continued "I have a message, to all those young girls out there that dream of fame or fortune or their happily ever after, happiness comes from within, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you are all beautiful. But I must thank my husband for inspiring me to fight for my happiness, and even though we may be apart I will always pray for his happiness, because in his happiness lies my own. To every single person who has faced hardship, don't give up, happiness is out there for you all, thank you" she stepped back, walking away

Neil released a shaky breath "See how good she is, still wishing me happiness when all I gave her is pain"

DD shook his head "You made her very happy, she loved you, she still does, I dont think she ever will stop, but in every relationship there is give and take, and she gave a lot but took nothing in return, she saved you Neil, but who saved her, dont get me wrong, we can't save everyone, but this is her moment to shine, and if you cant offer her support, if you cant believe in her, most importantly if you cant trust her then dont try and come back into her life, she deserves so much better than that. She is, was and will always be a rare find, she deserves happiness and someone to stand by her side, your job was never to protect her, I made that mistake with Sunhi, my job is only to stand by her side as her support as she fights that battle herself, Avni loves you, but dont put her in a position where she can only love you or herself, please"

Neil nodded "I think she may be happier without me, would going back be a good idea"

"You tell me Neil, who fights for the girl who always fought for everything else, I get your past has affected you, but its no excuse for your lack of trust in her, no one should be trusted blindly but has she not done enough to earn your trust by now"? He sighed "Are you telling me youre just going to give up, maybe its time to fight for her, show her how much she means to you and let her decide"

Neil smiled "Thank you, how is Sunheri"

DD's face lit up "She's doing well, she has a brother actually, hes offered to help us out with a bone marrow transplant, they get along so well, but I wont lie man, we all miss you, Avni misses you"


Avni parked her car up the road, she got out, closing her car door she walked up the road slowly, her hand running across the wall before she reached Neil's house. Today was the day she would pick up all of her stuff, it had been just over a month since she had last seen him, heard his voice or been in close proximity.

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