Part Fifteen

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Avni woke up, stretching, her eyes fell on the bedside clock, 3am exactly. The red numbers shone so bright her eyes burnt. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, where was Neil? Maybe he went to the bathroom? She stood up and walked towards the bathroom, knocking on the door "Neil, are you in there"?

Getting no response Avni tried the door handle, sighing in relief as it opened, her face dropped as her eyes fell on an unconscious Neil lying against the bathtub. Her heart dropped in her chest as she inched closer, tablets led messily on the floor beside him.

Avni swallowed thickly as she kicked away the unused knife. "Neil, Neil wake up" she bent down, shaking his shoulders, it wasnt meant to be like this. She lifted her hands, cupping his cheeks "Neil, what have you done" she shook her head, her fingers tracing his skin trying to find a pulse

"Bebe, bebe call an ambulance" her heart raced as she felt a slow heartbeat, "Come on Neil, please come on" it wasnt his time yet, he could not give up so easily, she wouldn't let him.

Bebe ran over, her phone in her hands, she stopped in the hallway, her mouth dry, "My, my grandson, he tried to kill himself", then the phone dropped to the floor with a smash making Neil jolt awake

Avni held his head to her chest tightly "I love you, just stay with me, stay with me, we can get through this" she sobbed, rocking him

"Avni" he croaked, "I didnt". He wanted to tell her how sorry he was, tell her he was an idiot

"Shh, shh its okay, you're gonna be okay Neil" she kissed his hair, tears fast down her cheeks "Please just keep your eyes open". Avni gripped onto his hand tightly, kissing his head as she sobbed


"His stomach has been pumped, he's a bit drowsy, but he will be okay" the doctor patted Avni's arm, she glanced up, nodding. Lifelessy she stood up and made her way to his room.

Avni ran her hand across his cheek "To think you did all of this just because you want me to be safe, if me leaving keeps you alive, then i'll go, ive seen your love, ive seen your pain, now its time you see my love" her voice shook as she sat down

She pushed her tounge into her cheek, looking up to try and keep her tears at bay. "Maybe right now isnt right for us, maybe you are to stuck in your past and pain and maybe I ask for to much of you, and maybe one day, in a few years or in a new life, we will meet again and ill be right for you and you'll be right for me, but right now, right now it isnt right for you, but I love you, you know that right"

Her eyes glanced over the tube in his mouth, she raised her hand- cupping his cheek. She leant down, kissing his forehead "Goodbye Neil, I love you so much" she went to pull back when his eyes fluttered open

"Ill, ill go get a doctor"


Avni sat silently, not moving, her hands in her lap. She couldn't cry anymore, she just felt numb, she had nearly lost him for good and now when she was going to give him what he wanted, he had woke up. "Avni Khanna, is there an Avni here"

Avni stood up "Yeah, that's me", she followed the doctor into Neil's room and shut the door, she halted at the end of the bed, waiting for him to talk

"Im sorry" he whispered, tears rimming his eyes, Neil gulped then looked up at her
"I made a mistake, I did it and then all I could think of was you, I dont want to leave you, I should have spoken to you, but I didnt, I guess some things just dont go away"

Avni nodded, pursing her lips she grabbed his hand
"Im not angry at you, I get it actually, im just glad you're safe" she dropped his hand, stepping back
"Im leaving Neil, im going home, right now, you and me aren't working and trying to keep me safe is ruining you, but it isnt your job to do that, and you have to learn to love yourself"

Neil shrugged "I dont love myself" he sighed "But I do love you, I make mistakes a lot and this has been life changing, but please don't leave me, I can be a better man for you, I can"

"You are already the best man I will ever meet, but being with me isnt helping you, if it takes a suicide attempt to tell me you love me, then something is wrong"

"Maybe I never see it, but I do show it, please Avni, just one last chance" he pleaded

Avni wasnt sure why it was now when she had all she could possibly want right infront of her that she was so adamant on walking away. But maybe he was right, maybe this was the turning point for them, but onto what road, she did not know

Avni jumped as she heard a voice from behind her "My Neil, where is he"
Avni looked up to see Neil's parents, she walked quickly, standing before his hospital room "You cant see him, you stay away" she shouted, she pushed her back against the door, turning back to see Neil

"Im sorry Avni"

"Are you, are you really, I get this is hard, but you wont talk to me, what did you expect that you end your life and ill be happy, suicide doesnt get rid of pain, it just passes it onto someone else, if I hadnt woke up, I would have hated myself forever, I would have blamed myself, and I dont know what to do Neil, i love you, but I cant save you, im trying so hard and I just cant and I hate everyone that hurt you, I want to kill them all, and im so angry at you for trying to leave me"

Her chest was tight, she couldn't breathe. Neil blinked slowly, his eyes teary "Im sorry" he repeated

She nodded slowly "I know, I know, me to, promise me you wont do anything like this again, I cant lose you" she lamented, her feelings crashing upon her

"Youll stay right Avni" he asked, fear laced in his voice

"As long as you stay, I will to" she promised, "Your parents are outside, they want to see you, do you want to"

He nodded softly, and she pulled the door open, two glaring pair of eyes looked at her as she allowed them to come in

"Oh Neil, look what you've done to yourself, silly, if we were still in another country, you'd be in trouble"

Avni huffed "Telling your son that trying to end his life means he should get into trouble will not help him, he is struggling, he needs love and support"

His father chirped in "Men dont do that son"

"Just because he is a man that has emotions doesnt make him weak, he is strong, stronger than me and definitely stronger than you, if you cannot give him the love he deserves then get out of here"

Neil's father stepped closer, his nose an inch away from Avni "You want to learn your place woman"

"Im not scared of you" Avni replied

Neil stood up quickly, shoving his father back "You stay away from her"

Avni looked up at Neil, shocked that he had stood up for her, she rested a hand on his arm, his mothers eyes widened as he didnt flinch

"Thats my wife you're talking to, unlike you I know how to protect what is mine, I wont turn a blind eye like you did, get out" Neil shouted

His father snarled, dragging his mother out with him "This isnt over son"

Neil jumped as Avni wrapped her arms around him "You did so well, I am so proud of you"

He took a deep breath, wrapping an arm around her "Yeah, yeah I did"

I am so sorry for how late this is, I have had some personal issues, I dont just want to dissapear on you all when you read my work, so I will try to continue updating but it may take me some time, so please be patient.
10.1k reads is amazing! Thank you so so so much

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