Chapter 22

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After that I go to go out the door to go jogging. But Aunt Kate comes down and followed me. "Hey." she said. We headed outside. "Hey, I just want to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just wanted to know what Allison knew." Aunt Kate replied. "It's ok. Really." I replied, "Really. I understand. So did she know anything?" "Nothing more than what you told me." Aunt Kate answered. "Ok." I said. "Listen, I hate to...stop you from running. But it is full moon." she said, "I don't want to see you hurt." "Oh." I said, "I forgot. But it's still kind of early. So ok." "Ok. Have fun." Aunt Kate said. I smiled and then started jogging down the road.

Later that night, dad, Aunt Kate and I are in his SUV. They're up front and I'm sitting in the back. We come up to an accident scene and ambulance. I see Stiles and his dad. "That one's Stiles?" my dad asked. "Yes." I replied. "Another friend of Allison's." Aunt Kate said. My dad looked to Aunt Kate. "Are you gonna tell me about the talk you had with her?" my dad asked, "Not a word to anyone what we talk about, Crystal." "Of course not." I said. Aunt Kate looked to my dad. "You tell me something first. That night you came across those two betas, one of them was smaller, right?" she asked. "Hmm..." my dad replied, looking out the window shield again. "Well, was he just smaller? Or could he have been younger too?" Aunt Kate asked. Aunt Kate and dad looked at each other and looked like he was thinking. Then he faced front again. We all were watching them.

My dad turned to me. "Do you know anything? Have you heard anything?" he asked. "No and I've been trying hard to." I answered. "Ok." he said. We all watched some more and then we headed home and I fell asleep immediately.  

* * * 

Aunt Kate and I were in her SUV and we were driving down the road. We're hunting for Derek Hale. The police spotted him. So dad was in his SUV and we were in Aunt Kate's. Aunt Kate was soon on the phone with my dad. "Suspect's on foot. He's on foot. Heading into the Iron Works." my dad said. "Wait, wait. Did you say on foot?" Aunt Kate asked. "Yeah, into the Iron Works." my dad answered. "Running?" Aunt Kate said. "Yes running!" my dad said, sounding irritated. They then hung up. "If he's on foot," Aunt Kate started. "Then who the hell is driving his car?" I asked. For we were following Derek's car. They started to go faster. I had a suspicion as to who was driving, but I didn't say anything. 'For Allison'. I thought. Aunt Kate tried to swerve to the middle to go around, but Derek's car went to the middle too. "Do you have any idea who this could be?" Aunt Kate asked, "Driving Derek's car?" "No. I've been trying to think of someone, but my mind's coming up blank." I replied. "Ok." Aunt Kate said. They go faster again. Aunt Kate stops and turned left. We started to go to the Iron Works. We meet up with my dad. "He got away. Whoever was driving his car, picked him up." My dad said, frustrated. "Chris, we'll get him." Aunt Kate said. He nodded.  

* * * 

In school, Scott and Stiles came up to me. "I know it was you." Scott accused. I looked confused at Scott. "Excuse me?" I asked, "What did I do?" "You told him, didn't you?" Scott asked, practically growling. "Um..I have no clue as to what you are talking about." I answered, "I really don't." "Don't lie to me!" Scott yelled, moving closer. I backed up. "Listen to my heart. I'm not lying." I said, "I honestly have no clue to what you're talking about. What did I supposedly do?" Scott just walked away. "Jackson knows Scott's a werewolf." Stiles said. "How?" I asked, "I honestly didn't tell anyone. I swear." "I don't know. Don't worry about it." Stiles said. "Well, can you convince Scott." I said. "I think he already knows." said Stiles.

I then headed to English. Scott goes to sit next to Allison, but Lydia beats him to it. "Try another row, sweetheart." she said. Scott sat behind Lydia then. "Hey." Scott said to Allison. "Hey. Class is beginning." she replied back. "I know. I'll shut up. I just... I have stuff on my phone that I wanted to send you. I thought you might like it." Scott said. Allison nodded. "Okay." she said, quietly. He sent her a message and then went to get to get stuff out of his back pack.

Mrs. Harner was writing on the chalkboard. Allison checked her message. "Alright. I'd like to return to our discussion from yesterday, with a more in depth analysis of Iago." Mrs. Harner started, "And the way he preyed upon Othello's jealousies."

Allison gathered her things, looked to Scott and left the room. She looked sad. Scott got up and followed then. Lydia and I just watched them go. "We seem to have some here today." Mrs. Harner said. I didn't know what she meant. The rest of the class was uneventful. Allison never came back. Neither did Scott until the bell rang and he got his backpack. At lunch I sat with Kol and Lexi and Kyle.

"So what are we all doing tonight?" asked Lexi. "Well, I'm going to the lacrosse game." I answered. "So am I." said Kol. "Kyle and I will probably skip it and go to the movies." Lexi said, "Lacrosse really isn't our thing. It's kind of boring if you ask me." "No one did." Kol said. I laughed. Lexi looked mad. "Ignore her." said Kyle, "I do when she gets in her moods." Lexi got up and left. Kyle followed her. "Is she ok?" I asked. "I'm sure she is." Kol answered, "She gets this way at certain times." "Ok." I said. Suddenly there's a loud clatter in the cafeteria. I look and it seemed like it came from Scott. I couldn't tell for sure from where I was sitting, but he looked tensed from the angle I was sitting.

Later Kol and I were racing each other in the pool. I see Jackson and Allison in the middle racing. "They'd make a good couple." Kol said, following my line of vision. "I know. That's why I was surprised they weren't together when I moved here." I said. "Yeah. Him and Lydia have been together for awhile." Kol said. "That's cool." I said. "So, what about you?" Kol asked. "What about me?" I asked. "Got any guys?" he asked. "You mean a boyfriend? No I don't." I replied. "A beautiful girl like you and no boyfriend?" Kol said. "Nope. Besides I moved to Beacon Hills about a month ago. Didn't have time to find one yet." I said, laughing. He laughed too.

Later at night, my dad, Aunt Kate and Allison and I went to the lacrosse game. I sat next to Allison and Kol. I introduced him to them. Kate liked him almost right away. I saw Allison tap Aunt Kate on the shoulder and Aunt Kate along with my dad look to the field. "That one. That's Jackson." Allison said. "Holy hotness. Oh, if I was in high school again... Maybe just a substitute teacher." Aunt Kate said. Me and Allison laughed and look to Aunt Kate. "You are sick." said Allison. Aunt Kate chuckled and then said, "You should be all over that." We laughed. "If not you, then Crystal.:" she said. We laughed again. Allison and I started cheering then. We watched the game. It was a good game and Beacon Hills won. "Yes!" I cheered. I hugged Kol. He was surprised but hugged me back. "They did great." I said. "They did." he said, "Well, I guess I should go find my parents." "Ok. I will see you later." I said. I went with Aunt Kate and we met up with Allison and our dad then and went home.

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