Step One - Rescue The Kid

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When Logan got back to his bike from his mini stakeout, he kept his eyes on the horizon line as he kick started it and headed off to find a place to spend the night. As usual, when he got to a hotel as opposed to just sleeping under the stars, he took a few moments before he picked up the phone and called to check in with Heather and Mac.

It had been over a month since he'd bothered, and even if she missed the call, he had to make the effort. But he was pleasantly surprised when she picked up - even if she did ream him out for taking so long to check in.

"Yeah, I know, Heather," he said wearily with a little smile. As much as he didn't like getting her worked up, it was nice to know she gave a damn. "I've been travelling. Everything's fine."

He leaned back and listened as she filled him in on all that had been going on at work ... Mac's promotion was a big one. Department H had decided that he'd be perfect to head up their new team as long as he had his flight suit operational, which was proving to be more problematic than Mac liked. But as she talked, he found himself staring out the window and thinking about all that he'd seen in Omaha. "Hey, I got a question for you," he said, sitting up again. "You've been in the department a long time..."

"Yeah, almost as long as it's been around," Heather agreed.

"Then you'd be able to tell me if there was ever a higher up there by the name of Pearson, right?"

There was a very short pause as she thought it over. "Pearson? No. That ... doesn't sound familiar at all," she said. "Why? Did you find someone from Department H that far south? Are they still following you?"

"Probably," he admitted with a little chuckle. "But that's not what got me asking. It's just ... this guy doesn't smell right." He'd said the last bit slower, as if he knew she'd think he was crazy, and to add a little anxiety to his day, she did pause for a long while before she finally answered him.

"You know, that could be from a time before Department H too, Logan," she said slowly. "I can't find any records, but you couldn't possibly have just ... materialized."

"Just wish I could make the connection. Remember it," Logan said - the same song and dance as always before he just let the sentiment fall. He could almost see Heather's expression, just as frustrated as he was and wishing for a different outcome.

"You know we'll figure it out somehow," she said soothingly. "But until we do ... "

"I know. Keep myself out of trouble and try to stay under the radar. I'll do what I can," he promised before he found himself assuring her that he'd check in sooner next time.

By the time he'd hung up with Heather and grabbed a bite to eat, it was just past sunset and with no moon out, it promised to be good and dark. Just the way he liked it.

By the time Logan got back to the 'Home for Foundlings', all the lights in the place were out. He found his way inside and with a little sniffing around easily found the trigger to the hidden door - though being that close to that rancid antiseptic scent had him rubbing his nose with the back of his hand and huffing a bit to try and clear the scent out.

He took a moment, thinking he was bracing himself for whatever he found beyond the entrance and hidden in the dark halls before he silently stepped inside and began to navigate his way in the pitch black.

Once he got well down the hall, he could hear someone speaking in a tone that sounded familiar somehow, though when he focused on it, all it brought him was a headache. The more the man talked, the more Logan was ready to just slice him to ribbons. It wasn't exactly a foreign feeling, but it was one that made it worlds harder to stow the growl.

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