Time's Up, Stark

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Scott was done packing and headed for the kitchen when he heard a new voice talking to Jarvis near the front of the mansion, and he paused, half afraid of who might be coming to call after the incident earlier.

He didn't get far, before Logan stepped out of the planning room and gave him a little look that clearly conveyed that he was ready to ditch out if need be. Logan had his hands in fists, and Scott could clearly see the dark red bruising at his knuckles that tipped him off that he was ready to slice someone if need be.

Logan stalked toward the new voice as Steve got there first to play interference. He was the first line at this point anyhow. He was the right face to be around for anyone that might come to call, and he was pretty protective of Scott, moreso after he saw what the kid was capable of.

But as Logan listened, he found himself frowning deeper. The newcomer wasn't familiar at all, and he was addressing Steve in far too formal a manner for it to be someone he knew. He turned toward Scott with a frown and lightly shook his head as he kept walking forward. He wasn't expecting a sedate looking older gentleman in a wheelchair. Particularly since everyone in the room seemed to be positively enchanted by the stranger. It had his hackles up, and he flat didn't like it.

But when the guy looked up at him with a warm smile, Logan didn't even bother trying to stop the growl. "What do you want?"

The stranger kept his smile even and though Logan was sure the whole situation was sketchy, the guy didn't seem like he was with the Department. "My name is Charles Xavier," he said with a calming tone. "I'm starting a school upstate for gifted individuals."

"Congratulations," Logan said flatly. "What do you want?"

He let out a breath at that and tipped his head down, only losing some of the smile. "Your son will need to find a way to hone his abilities. That's what my school is for."

"Who's it for?"

"The children of course," Xavier said, frowning slightly ,but Logan was already shaking his head.

"Not buyin' it. He's learning on his own."

"He may need the extra help," Xavier said in a much more concerned tone. "I know you've seen the darker side of humanity, but that's no reason ..."

He stopped short when Logan let his growl drop lower. "It's every reason."

But while Logan was glaring hard at Xavier, the gentleman reached out to Scott telepathically. I know you two have had some struggles. But I'm sure that I can help you to control your optic blasts.

Scott startled from where he was hanging back in the hallway and glanced around before he said in a whisper, "How are you doing that?"

I'm a telepath, Scott. I can send my thoughts to you, and hear yours in return.

Scott frowned a bit at that before he tried to test it out. If that's true, then you know I'm not going to go to any facility.

It's not a facility, it's a school. I'm not working for anyone but my students. There are too many young mutants that have no idea how to control their abilities. And I want to help them learn before someone comes along to take advantage - like they had done to your father.

Scott had almost unconsciously reached up to touch his glasses as he listened before he frowned a bit to himself. So you know how to turn off this glow?

Everyone's abilities are different. But I can help to guide you so you can control it. Take your time, think it over. But I am certain I can help.

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now