Holly Jolly Time

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It was early morning on Christmas Day when Scott heard Thor get up in the wee hours. He didn't think too much about it ... just not expecting anything special going on. Particularly since the news reports coming out of the region that Logan and Captain Rogers had disappeared to sounded calm and very much like the negotiations for an American embassy were going well.

So, instead of paying strict attention, Scott rolled over and pulled his blanket up to his nose as he half burrowed himself deeper into his bed - where it was perfectly warm and comfortable. Until of course he heard more than one voice talking. He turned toward his door and just waited and listened hard to see if he could catch the conversation, though when he heard Captain Rogers chuckling under his breath, he couldn't help but smile to himself.

He had no idea if whatever going on with Cap and Logan was going to last - but Scott kind of hoped little drop ins by Avengers were going to be at least an occasional thing. Unless of course - like several of the dreams he'd had since leaving Nebraska were true ... and all of this was a dream. But Thor's laugh brought him back to his new reality - the man was louder than should be possible. Particularly when he was in high spirits.

Scott let out a sigh of near contentment. No dream. They'd made it back, and apparently whatever they'd set out to do - they'd done their job and gotten away clean. He allowed himself a small smile and just tried to get comfortable, but he couldn't fall asleep. Not when he had so many questions on what had happened. It had been a solid two weeks, after all.

But eventually, Scott did manage to go to sleep - mostly. As soon as he heard the coffee pot beeping a few hours later, he hurried to get up and see what had happened. When he came down from his room though, he was not expecting to see Captain Rogers in the kitchen and Logan passed out on the couch.

Steve gave him a tired kind of smile and gestured to have a seat. "Do you drink coffee?" he asked as quietly as he could and glancing Logan's way, making sure his old partner was asleep still - though he knew with the scent of the coffee filling the little cabin that wasn't going to last long.

"Not really, no," Scott said as he took a seat at the kitchen table all the same, though Steve had to smile at him when he saw how quiet Scott was trying to be too. Scott watched as Steve got himself a cup of coffee and sat down to drink it - sugar and milk - as opposed to Logan's straight black. Scott sat in silence, not saying a word until Steve had gotten through the better part of his first cup.

"You're a smart kid," Steve said, nodding to himself finally. "No questions before the first cup is gone, and I know you have to have some."

Scott smirked the tiniest bit and relaxed. This ... wasn't as tough as he thought it would be. "Is that allowed?" Scott asked. "The questions - because yes. I do have them."

Steve shook his head lightly and shrugged one shoulder. "I think ... your chances of getting a straight answer are better with me than with Logan," Steve said. "I actually know how to tell mission stories and when he tells a story it's so short ..." he shook his head and smiled at his coffee cup. "Ask him and you'll see what I mean."

Scott smirked wider. "Okay - well. Then I guess what were you guys doing in Latveria?"

Steve's grin just grew a little wider. "Well, son, I'm afraid I can't tell you that. Not really. But - I can tell you that we got done what we set out to do." He leaned forward in his chair. "And maybe next time we get together I can tell you more about it."

Scott raised one eyebrow as the question fell from his lips. "So you'll be back? Did Logan join SHIELD?"

At that Steve glanced toward Logan and shook his head slightly. "I don't think he's decided on that just yet," Steve said. "But yeah, I'll see you two again. I'm sure of it. We work well together."

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