A Glow for the Rhythm

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Karthik Manohar looked over the crowd. The most favourite view of his, the view of his fans waiting to shower love on him. An established singer from the famous band Wings, is a soul that loves to be let free and one who is always up for mischiefs and having fun interacting with his fans. In every concert, Manohar would make a unique entry to the stage thus this time he wanted to make his entrance walking up from the crowd to the stage.

Anuradha stood in a queue for ticket checking with her two friends Cameron and Christopher. Anuradha being a music lover never failed to attend her favourite bands' concert each time they come to her city.

Looking over the queue, 'will I ever get in before the concert starts' she thought. Soon their turn came and three of them rushed in to get the nearest spot to the stage with Cameron and Christopher guarding her like a baby.

The show was about to start and the fans are already screaming the names of the artist and whistling in craze waiting for the band to rock the night.

All preparation was set right, after two songs from Manoj and Shika the guitarist and lady singer of the band, Manohar would join them from where ever he is.

In the crowd Manohar sneaked in with a hoody and a huge black shade to disguise himself surrounding him, his friends who now turned to be bodyguards till he reaches the stage.

The first song by Manoj excited the crowd as they kept moving, dancing and jumping to the song. Slowly, he started moving forward towards the stage.

"I can't see a thing from here, Cam!" Anuradha shouted. Grabbing one of the two's hand, she walked to the front of the stage pushing the many crazy going fans. Sweat beads started flowing down her face by the time she reached to a viewable spot.

"Ahh... isn't this better?" she said.

"Indeed, better and nearer" came a husky voice, a voice which does not belong to any of her two friends. Anuradha almost jumped out of her skin when she turned and realised she had pulled a complete stranger leaving her two friends behind.

"I-I'm-I'm sorry. I thought you were... I'm sorry" her cheeks flushed red.

"It's better to enjoy the moment. You can be embarrassed about this later" he whispered softly in her ear.


"What just happen?" Manohar thought. He was suddenly pulled by a girl out of nowhere pushing and squeezing through the crowd, heading to the front as though she had come to help him reach the stage before the song ends.

Her enthusiasm fascinated him, as she kept singing along while squeezing through the crowd.

The fire ball that's sinking into the horizon, spreading shades of orange glowed the sky depicting the same glow she had on her. Tint of red hue on her cheeks deepened, dropping her head down, she stammered for an apology.

Something about her was giving a breeze of new profound feeling in him. He wanted to see more of that enthusiastic girl and not the one who's going to spend the rest of the day feeling embarrassed.

"Where have all your excitement gone?" he asked after observing her a minute.

"I lost all my excitement, I need to go and find my friends" she said ready to walk back to where she came from.

"What?! Lost excitement? Now was that because you grabbed my hand rather your friends'?"

"It's my fault, I should have seen before dragging you with me... I... uh... never mind" Anuradha couldn't put her feeling into proper word. Though she could hardly see his feature, his close proximity and his voice was giving her a whole new feel, something she never felt before.

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