Dear Dreams,
You and I have a love-hate thing going in right now. I need you, I'm aspire towards you, but I really,really hate how stressed you make me. Why can't I just be Steven Speilberg's kid and not give any fucks?
Also, I don't really know what you are--even after spending countless hours freaking out over you. I know I want to do commerce/law in university but that's so...short term. That's 6 years. Then what? Become a law clerk, work my way up to being a merges and acquisitions specialist, work on huge cases that make me love my job, maybe become a barrister. But that's so...superficial. That's just a job.
Secretly, you--my dreams--are so freaking huge that they have to buy you three airplane tickets just to squeeze you in. (Wow...) I want to direct a short film that wins the Oscar, hell I want to direct a FEATURE film that wins the Oscar. I dream of moving in with Triv once she finishes high school, maybe getting back together with that girl I mentioned earlier, maybe even writing a good book. I dream of owning an Aston Martin when I'm older (one that my parents don't buy me, that is) and I dream of outsmarting Will for once. I dream that when I'm older I can still have fun at Christmas and enjoy all the little things in life, I dream that I'll be happy and carefree right till I die of nothing because I'm living forever. I dream of me, Triv and the others in five years time, kicking it up in Las Vegas for the biggest bender this planet has ever seen. Fuck man, I dream of curing cancer and going to the moon.
Dear Dreams, right now I'm meant to be following you and working towards you and making sense of you but when I think of it I dream of too many things to just do them all. I'm so passionate about film, maybe I should be dreaming of doing media and communications rather then something so unoriginal. Is it okay to dream of being rich? Is that selfish? Because all I want is to be rich and successful and not have to give a shit about anything.
I thinkn that soon. I'm going to have to pick one dream and that frightens me. What if I pick wrong? What if I realize down the track that I was only imagining that this was what I wanted. What if law turns out to be the shittiest thing ever?
Dear Dreams, you confuse me and mess with my head but I guess you're the thing that keeps everyone motivated. I'm not reaching for the stars here, all I want is a good ENTER score, so do you think you could just show me a but more about yourself?
Thanks kiddo.
From Zed (and no, I didn't call you fat. You misread that)