Replace this document where it was

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Yeah, I knew it was a bad idea.

When I was alone in the lounge I tried to found something in order to not sleep in the couch and being exhausted again. So I looked all around me and started to walk. The side of the lounge where there were a table and some chairs, no one. The tiny kitchen, no one. The front door, the one in the lounge, the bedrooms doors, all locked.

And then, I saw this wardrobe, the first thing who wasn't closed. It was fulfill by documents organized by names. I took one of them and opened the file. A photo, a number in the first page, a bottle in the end, notes everywhere. Right after the name it was write "target".

All of the notes explained the guy was a criminal the police couldn't arrested. All of his crimes were wrote, how he ended too. I tried to found my file. It was at that moment I heard an grave voice told me with a serious tone

"Replace this document where it was".

I did. I didn't turn back and listened the person went to the corridor where are the bedrooms.

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