The Messenger

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A girl arrived, a tiny teenager, with Hunter.

Just after she arrived she hug everyone, even me, a stranger who didn't seem to be one for her. She even already knew my name and why I was here. With all this time here I recognized that her smile was just a mere facade. In fact, her eyes showed her true self. I was the eyes of someone who didn't sleep tight, someone who made fun with what she did.

She opened her bag slowly, searching for something inside. Few seconds later, she was holding letters. I learned that day from her that she was the only one who had the name of Messenger. We could understand that she loved it just when we looked at her.

I didn't get a letter that day. Like every time she came back. Then I learned that everything I normally got was taken away. Actually, I gained this information from the Messenger herself. I thought it was difficult to draw it out of her since she was an important member of this gross organization we're in and yet, she responded easily. She said simply enough

« The LSTYT department burn everything related to you. »

What a strange and funny name...

The acronym is for Lets Say Thanks You to Them. You can guess it, some people wanted to thank the one who answered their demand.

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