Tick Tock

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The past pasted. Every day seemed to be longer that the day before.

I tried to talk to the other one in spite of did nothing at all. Dog was the first and the only one I was sure I could talk to. She didn't go outside, after all. I pulled myself in a blanket as she arrived in the lounge. Every time I looked at Dog and her green short, wondering how she can wearing that in that cold.

« Cold ? You never feel real coldness, do you ? »

On that rare moments when she smiling she was adorable, even if her cheeks didn't turn pink like a normal person. I thought I learned everything about her and yet she still was shrouded in mysteries.

After that, I could say some words with Protector, in the morning when he made the tea for people who wanted some. He could talk about tea for hours.

Since Hunter is a night worker, I barely taught with him as well as Crea who was the type of person who didn't really want to speak. If Crea didn't have to, of course.

In the other hand, Magician loved say dumb and random topics. Well, she hated been lonely in the house. So, the fact that I was always here when she came back was reassuring.

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