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It was cold. Like their eyes.

Those eyes I saw in the darkness, outside my cage, as cats when we put a light in front of them in the night. It wasn't bad or strange. For me it was most reassuring that everything around me.

The adults, when they walked next to our cages and checked everyone they laugh, like they were drunk. They said, one day, I was a privileged since my « type » was rare. Those brutal and despicable men could « created » tree types but not mine. So, they put me in a special cage, with a bed and a private toilet considering they didn't want me to died fast.

The other one ? I didn't really knew how was their cages. Worst, I thought. Moreover, I heard a conversation about another type even more rare than mine. For ten years, they just catch one of them. They called the only one they had a « demon », certainly because it was a strange one.

Then, they opened my cage, again for a check point about my power and my job. They laugh, again when they saw me. Were we just a spectacle for them ? Just a group of strange things and objects they showed and used ?

I forget my name. They just called us with the name of our type and an number after it. Even if I hated them I couldn't do anything. If I tried to escape, they commanded to another child to chased me. If I tried to said something they surely hit me like they did when you heard a scream in the opposite side of the corridor who linked everyone cages.

But, one day, they decided to put me in another place. A tiny house. It was strangely silent. No one. They ordered me to stay here until they decided who was the next one in this house. I had the feeling they intended to put one of every type in the house. And I was the first one. It was... I was alone, waiting. Yet, they did what I thought and finally, all of the bedrooms was used. Sometimes they came, screaming the name of the one they wanted for a job.

Even now, I hate them so much.

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