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"ERIN!" She's already gone when Henry tumbles at a tree root. He rolls and lands, searching the ground for, "My knife!" He orders the boys to look then sends two off to find Ben. And most importantly, Erin. Splash! The losers club jump to face Ben,
"Holy shit what happened to you?" Richie leans toward Ben, the others run past him,
"Henry..." He looks at them defeated, "and Erin..."
"Damn. We better get you out of here!" Eddie helps loft him and they all help carry him to safety, "she'll sniff you out if we don't get far enough away"
"Lets hope she didn't follow us..." Stan makes sure and looks back at the path they took.
"D-did she bbeat you up?" Bill looks worried,
"No. Henry did, but she followed me. She caught me"
"You got taken down by a gir-" Richie is suddenly cut off by Bill,
"R-Richie. Wait here..." He takes Eddie and Stan to the drug store...
"Glad I got to meet you before you died..."

"WHERE IS HE!" She yells and kicks the water. Knowing they were here only a few minutes ago. Bowers comes scrambling up behind her,
"You're here?"
"They got away." She breathes heavy and bites her lip,
"We will get them next time. Okay?" He pulls her into a kiss, only to be interrupted by a distressed yell.
"Patrick?" She looks up at Henry and he shakes his head and nuzzles his head into her neck.

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