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The car silently haunts the road outside the crooked well house as Henry whilstes a tune, he mutters to himself and Erin chuckles, mimmiking the laugh in her head. Henry tugs open the glove box and pulls out a stash of little weapons. He takes his switch blade and admires the flicker of the light on the tip while Erin hides a meat knife in her boot, while holding another tight in her fist.  Erin spots the losers club at the front gate and swiftly places her arm around him, keeping him back. He struggles for a bit but stops when she talks,
"Wait. We have to form a plan. We can't just storm them now." He nods and turns around,
"Listen in guys, you'll be a part of this too" Henry frowns and bites his lip as he listens intently,
"We will wait here. Then" she pauses as something tells her, "we will get a signal... Then we go." He nods, as if he heard the voice too. They wait silently for the sign. That one familiar voice to tell them it's time...

The atmosphere in the house changes as each of the club members face the well. The one place they saw the monster crawl back in fear. Their senses heighten as eery sounds eminate from the walls, around the basement, whispers resonate in the well as they lean over,
"Beverly!" Ben shouts, the only reply is the echo of his voice,
"How do we get down?" Bill turns back and spots a rope, he tugs at it, making sure it's as safe as it could be. It hangs down the well, obviously not touching the bottom, yet, at least 30 foot long. Bill holds the rope tight and makes sure he is steady, then begins to lower himself down into the ominous darkness. Eddie takes second place and the rest follow after. Mike brings up the rear.

"Now!" The voice shouts at Henry and Erin and they both run as fast as their legs can carry them into the house. The bound through the door and down to the basement. Henry stops,
"You wait. I'll take the boy while you get into the well" Erin nods and they both get hit by a sudden urge to kill. He kisses her and picks up an iron bar and swings it hard around Mike's head. The boys yell his name and Bowers looms over the entrance with glazed, wide eyes and a quivering lip. He lets out a juddery chuckle,
"Bowers" Eddie shakes as he lets out a solemn cry. Henry snatches the rope. The boys down the well freak out, trying to grab it, too late. Erin waves from the top and they all freeze,
"She's here too!" Eddie cries louder as they sit helpless and not helpful at all, watching what carnage they can, all unfolding just out of reach above them. Mike gets up, Erin points and Henry spins on his heel, making him stumble back down,
"You didn't listen to what I told you. Did ya? You should have stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn't, and look what happened to them." Henry steps forward, Mike shuffling back, taking sharp breaths, hoping they won't be his last, "I still get sad every time I pass by that pile of ashes." Erin giggles  while she watches from the other side, "sad. That I couldn't have done it myself." He leaps onto Mike, pinning him to the ground, keeping him from escaping. Erin watches from behind but quickly gets distracted by Bill attempting to climb up to aid Mike. She plays with him, throwing stones down the well, aiming them at his head, hitting them each time on his head. He hides back in the wall and she laughs loud, only to be broken off by a blood curdling yell. Henry. Erin stops, everything slows down to half the speed. Her face drops as her mood quickly transfers to a seering pain in the chest and an overwhelming sadness. She lunges over the side and throws her hand down to attempt to rescue him. Too late. His fingertips brush hers as he looses eye contact and plummets into the deep darkness. She breathes shallow and harsh as her vision blurs, ears ring and skin crawls. He's gone. He's dead. She listens to his bones crack as he finally hits the ground. She shakes with pain and anger as Mike swiftly reloads his gun,
"You're dead." She hisses. Even more psychotic than before, she twitches as if she was possessed, her eyes flutter as her cheeks burn with the wide yell. She shouts so loud her throat aches. Mike shouts to the boys and throws the rope into the well. He jumps quick and is caught by Bill and Richie, they pull him into the hole and he is safe...
Erin stays leaning over the edge, she pants as her hands sweat into tight fists. She spits into the well and shouts down it,
"You're all dead! I have you trapped! You are dead!" Her screams echo down the tunnel as her tears float down and stain her face with the permanent pain of this memory...

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