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                     •Jacks POV•

I ran. I ran faster and faster as time goes.

I had no idea where I was going or where I could end up.

I just knew it was somewhere.

Somewhere far and somewhere silent.

I wanted to be stuck in solitude.

I stopped.

My legs ached and my heart dropped.

My arms were stained with her blood.

I knew it wasn't to long before I was caught.

I knew i had to leave.

But i couldn't.

I couldn't leave Mark to know.

I couldn't fake another death.

Not again.

Not ever again.

I hated having this feeling.

This feeling of warmth.

This feeling of happiness?

I loved him.

I can't.

I can't get attached to this man.

Not someone else.

Not again.

Pain throbbed through my body.

I could've ran miles.

I could've ran a few feet.

At this point I couldn't tell.

Things started getting blurred together.

The noises getting louder.

The voices getting louder.

Her voice.


His voice.


"Make it stop" I mumbled, becoming dizzy.

They got louder.

The shouting.

The noises.

So loud.

Yet so quiet.

The colors.

They blurred across.

The flashed and they ran around me.

I needed to make it stop

"MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled, trying to even hear my voice over the noise.

How painful it is.

My hands pressed against my ears as I screamed in agony.

Anyone could be there at any point and I wouldn't know.

Things are moving to fast and sounds are to long for me to even comprehend.

I fell to the ground, curled up in a ball of sorrow and screams.

Her blood still soaked into my hoodie.

The tears stained my face.

My hands pressed tightly against my ears.

I was curled into a ball on the ground.

Everything was so bright and colorful.

Swirling around.

Dashing around my head.

Trying to say something.

I shut my eyes tightly but the colors were still there.

Everything was blended.

Everything was overwhelming.

I started to choke up blood but everything was terrifying.

I couldn't tell what I was even doing.

I was screaming so loudly.

I heard myself barely.

Then suddenly it just stopped.

The only noise left was his laugh.

His laugh that was beautiful in a way.

His laugh that could make anyone happy.

I missed that laugh.

The sun had started to rise and the orange sky kissed my face.

I layed there on the ground.

I had released the tension in my body and unfolded.

I stared up at the sky.

My nose had been bleeding and blood came from my mouth and a puddle beside me.

Her blood still staining my body.

My tears still running down my face.

The colors had gone away.

But the blurryness had not.

It stayed.

Taunting me.

I stayed on the soft and warm but hard and cold ground.

Just staring.

Listening to his laugh repeat over again.

I wanted to remember it forever.

I wanted it to be sealed into my brain.

I never want him to be forgotten.

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