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                ~Marks POV~

"There's someone here to see you." The nurse smiled at me.

The person walked in.

Their hair was brown.

They wore a black hoodie.

And black Jeans.

They looked soaking wet.

Faded dark red stained their hoodie.

Their eyes blue like the Atlantic.

Their face was red.

As if they have been crying.


They knew me.

I looked at the nurse, confused.

The nurse shut the door and left.

I heard her shoes trailing down farther in the silent hospital.

The man looked at me.

He fell down to the floor in a pile of tears.

"Mark I-i'm so sorry I didn't come sooner. Th-they wouldn't let me in. I-ive wanted to see you for so long." He sobbed, his breath heaving.

"I-i made a mistake. A big mistake" he shook his head, his hands wrapped around the back of his head.

"Please forgive me" he sobbed.

I looked at him.

Mystery puzzling my face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He looked up to me, fear and sadness stinging his eyes.

"No." He whispered.

"I-i'ts me! Jack! Y-you know! Your translator! Y-your best friend!" He yelled, like he was trying to get me to remember a person I've never met.


I knew that name.

But I've always just thought of it as a name.

Never as a person.

I never pictured the name to a person.

But the name came with many memories.

But the memories I can't remember.

The memories are there.

But lost.

"I don't know you. I'm sorry. And I don't know why I'd need a translator. I can speak fine. See?"

I couldn't remember why I needed a translator.

But I could feel my mind begging me to shut up.

My lips wanting to sew themselves shut.

Like I shouldn't be talking.

Something pinged in me the second he said translator.

Why would I need a translator?

Why do I have a pen and paper by me?

Why can't I remember?

"N-no" he said, collapsing to the floor. He grabbed his knees and rocked himself back and forth.

I shut my eyes.

Seeing the other man in pain somehow pained me.

Like some part of me knew him.

Like some part of me wanted to get up and hold him in my arms.

And tell him everything is going to be okay.

Because he's my best friend.

And I love him.

But I didn't.

I didn't know him.

I feel like I never did.

I knew the name.

Just not the person it came with.

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