Dean gets a call

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In a motel room in Pennsylvania Dean and his dad were just finnishing up with a guy named jerry panowski who had a poltergeist bothering him and his family, they had placed the hex bags in each of the cumpas points in the house to cleans the evil spirit from the house John and Dean hadn't been to mangled they worked as a team and Dean did what his father told him with out question he respected the man he knew his monsters and as far as dean was concerned John was the best hunter in the world they were currently resting before heading out to find a new job when one of the old cell phones started buzzing dean got up off the bed and wandered over to the duffel and picked through it and found the one that was ringing and when he looked at the caller I.D. AMANDA H. he was stunned he hadn't heard from her since they're less then happy seperation 7 years ago he flipped the phone open and answered


Hi, I'm hoping this phone number still belongs to dean winchester?

yeah, this is Dean

Hi, Dean I don't know if you remember me we knew each other 7 years ago briefly.

yeah I remember you, how are you?

Not to good, um I know we didn't leave things on a good note but I know what you do for a living , and there is something going on in my town that I thinks is up your ally and I was wondering if you could come and take a look.

Uh, what seems to be going on there?

there's been alot of women that have gone missing, the sheriff say's it's animal attacks all young women their necks are ripped open and blood gone hardly any trace left in it's body I mean normally I would let the police handle things like this but I work for the local news paper and so naturally I dig into things that like to get burried and this story the sheriff is burrying the important details probably because they don't know what they are dealing with but then again maybe they don't want to cause a panick but it's just weird yah know?

"yeah, that does sound like something we should look into" he looked over at his dad nodding at him letting John know that they have a case, John nodded at him and grabbed their duffles and headed out to the Impalla Dean got the address of the news paper station that Amanda worked at then told her that they would be there with in the next couple of days and he hung up the phone; he gathered up the maps and research on the table and looked over the room to make sure everything was gathered together and headed out to the car where his dad was waiting.

where we headed Dean

Fairfax Indiana, uh girl I knew there called and said that there have been some girls that have been murdered necks ripped open no blood left she works for the local news paper and said that the sheriff might be covering it up or at least covering to keep people from panicking.

uh huh, just how does she know that we look into unnatural deaths?

I have no Idea dad, i've never told any one before.

John and Dean started the 558 mile drive from Pennsylvania to Indianna they talked about the case and tried to decide what creature they were hunting it sounded like Vampires but a lot of neck ripping and blood leaching monsters sounded like vampires as well they rolled up to a motel that they had stayed in when they were here 7 years ago and checked in for the night wanting to get some rest before they head over to Amanda's work place.

they trucked in their duffles and headed out to the local bar to hit up the local gossip and pool to grab some money, while there Dean went to the pool tables and layed 100.00$ down to the challange on the winner of the game while John sat at the bar noticing the sheriff was there talking to his deputy about the most recent murder John ordered a beer and eaves dropped on the conversation while drinking

I just don't understand it jones, the women have nothing in common except they all have kids that go to that new after school activity center, their not neighbors they don't work in the same place, they go missing for a week or so and then turn up dead I mean what sick son of a gun does that to these poor young women

I don't know sheriff, the only other commonality that these women have that the unsub is looking for is blond hair blue eyes nothing else. well do we suspect a male or a female I mean it leaves no evidence behind except the venom in their wounds but that gives us nothing about gender, but we are thinking based on the victims that it's got to be a male since it's young women with children.

John stood from the bar paying for his drinks and heading over to Dean they had been there for a couple of hours now as soon as Dean saw John walking over he turned back to the table " alright guys final bets place them on the table, I gotta wrap this up the guys around the table layed their money down and dean squared up his que and hit the last couple of balls in the pockets, Dean gathered his winnings and headed out with his father back to the motel he handed his dad half the money because that's what they did they hunted togather so they split the cash that they got from poker and pool and any other way they got money so they could get gas and ammo and anything else that they needed for hunting. John filled in Dean about what he heard from the sheriff's not so quiet conversation about the murders they didn't say where the bodies were found but Hopefully Amanda or when they went to investigate they would find more information.
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