No Exit

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Katie Burns was a young blonde woman who was talking to the superintendent on the phone while pacing under the flickering lights; which were making her beyond annoyed.

KATIE: "of course I checked the fuses. They're fine. It's the wiring. Look, you promised the place would be ready when I moved in. No. You come up now! Please. Thank you."

She hung up and grimaced at something gooey on the table, she reached out a finger and dabs it. It was thick and black and it totally made her want to hurl..

Katie: "Gross."

just then she felt the same goo drip on her shoulder. She looked up and the ceiling was beginning to get covered in the goo, which was making her even more scared. She went over to the light switch by the wall, out of which the goo was oozing thickly.

Katie: "What the hell?"

She looked deeper into the light switch; when a creepy, bloodshot eyes flashed before her which made her scream.

Mean While at Harvell's Roadhouse Sam,Lydia and Dean were getting out of the Impala, which Dean parked in front of the ROADHOUSE.

Dean: "Los Angeles, California."

Sam : "What's in L.A.?"

Lydia: "A Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult and it's obviously the most terrible thing in the world uncle Sammy, as long as there's internet there we can save her."

Sam: "Oh yeah? Girl got a name, Dean or is she just a pretty face?"

Dean: "Katie Holmes,

Sam: (laughs) "That's funny. And for you, so bitchy."

Dean: " why do you need internet Liddy."

Lydia: "I have the homeschool exams for the beginning of the semester tomorrow Daddy remember I reminded you last week."

Dean: "That's right just as we took down that werewolf I remember now, suppose we can't reschedule that can we."

Lydia: "Nope, they have to have all the testing in by the 20th, so I'm gonna need ya to not bother me with throwing M&M's in my hair trying to distract me."

she said as she gave him a pointed look and he sheepishly turned back towards the entrance of the Bar. From inside the roadhouse comes the sound of breaking glass and shouting voices. Dean turns and looks at Sam and Liddy.

Dean: "Of course, we could forget all about L.A. and on the other hand — catfight."

Lydia rolled her eyes her dad was so childish sometimes but she wouldn't have him any other way she was glad that she had a level head on her shoulders and didn't have hissy fits like other girls did, she bet her Daddy was even grateful for that too; they didn't do drama filled chick flick moments just when she was having a hard time with things going on around her or that she didn't understand the adults around her. They all walked into the Bar On the upper levels, Ellen and Jo were shouting at each other which immediately made Lydia on edge and she snugged her self right up into Dean's Back. Sam, Lydia and Dean entered cautiously.

Ellen: "I am your mother, I don't have to be reasonable!"

Jo: "You can't keep me here!"

Ellen: "Oh, don't you bet on that, sweetie."

Jo: "What are you going to do, are you going to chain me up in the basement?"

Ellen: "You know what, you've had worse ideas than that recently. Hey, you don't wanna stay, don't stay. Go back to school."

Jo: "I didn't belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection."

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