Tall Tales

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It had been weeks since the incident since Sam was possessed by the Demon and it hadn't been easy on any of them Dean and Sam had both gotten anti possession Tattoos on their upper left pectorals which had made Lydia giggle when they flinched each time they moved their arms Lydia had her charm on a necklace she always wore also one tied onto her shoes laces she only had one pair of shoes so she was never with out it but all of that was just for extra measure he was pretty sure that she couldn't be possessed by demons since she had her abilities and the whisper didn't call her a shield for nothing but he was a father and wouldn't take the chance because as history shows us in battle shield can be broken and with his little Liddy he was not going to take the chance.

they hadn't worked for a couple of weeks because they were all exhausted Lydia would constantly have nightmare about being under water and not being able to breath, Dean had woken up a few time and had to wake Lydia up during the night sometimes because she would start holding her breath as she dreamed and wouldn't breath it had scared the turd out of dean a couple of times so he only slept about every two to three hours for that couple of weeks he had a new respect for parents of newborns the fear of SIDS was real to just stop breathing for no apparent reason so he did his nightly parental duty and got up to make sure she was breathing, they had to rent two rooms for that while too because she couldn't sleep with Sam in the room in fear he would take her away again all the progress Sam and her had made since the last time he messed up was thrown out the window, Sam was pretty sure that she would never trust him again and he couldn't blame her for it he felt immensely guilty having his body used to kill Walden Dean was going in between both being a parent and therapist to Lydia and being more than usual chick flicky with Sam it was a night mare on all sides but things started getting back to normal as Dean constantly reminded Lydia of what her mom wanted from her to be happy Obedient and Brave so with Lydia's usual restart to things she sat up squared her shoulders and looked into Dean's eyes that held hers and showed nothing more the pride and pleasure at her steadfastness,

Lydia: "Ok daddy I'm brave now where are we going?"


Crawford Hall At Night

A middle-aged man who was dressed in a suit and overcoat walked towards an impressive university building. Outside, was a young attractive woman in a white dress she posed herself seductively, trying to fix her shoe.

Professor: "Excuse me. Are you lost?"

Girl: "No. I've been waiting for you, professor."

Professor: "Oh, are you in one of my classes?"

Girl: "Don't you recognize me?"

Professor: "We-ell, they're big classes. Anyway, my office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings."

Girl: "Really? I was hoping I could see you now."

Professor: "Um, well, since you asked so nicely. Come on."

they both walked into the office, the professor placed his jacket on the back of his chair and his briefcase on the desk then turned to his student.

Girl: "Such a handsome photo."

Professor: "Oh, that old thing. So, what can I do for you? How's the (?) paper coming?"

Girl: "Um, professor, I, uh, I have a confession to make."

Professor: "Oh? What's that?"

Girl: "I'm not really one of your students."

Professor: "Really? Then why are you here?"

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