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In ROOSEVELT ASYLUM. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. there was a building that has been deserted over run with Graffiti and rubbish everywhere. a Torch light moves along the walls, the chain across a door has broken again its had that happen several times before. the Police have recently been placing patrols on the building especially on the weekends.

A police car pulls up. Two cops walk up to chain link fence surrounding the building.

the First officer complained " Can't keep kids out of this place." while his partner turned and asking "What is it, anyway?" unknowingly why his partner was complaining against the building; the first officer turned and gave his junior partner an eye roll "I forgot! You're not a local. You don't know the legend." Junior asked slightly nervous " Legend? " his Partner started to explain as they continued to walk into the asylum to flush out all the trespassers.

"Every town's got it's stories, right? Ours is Roosevelt Asylum. They say it's haunted with the ghosts of the patients. Spend the night, the spirits will drive you insane." the Senior officer stated.

they entered the abandoned building with their flashlights going up and down the walls and hallways.

"Hello? Police Officers...Po-lice Officers!" yelled the junior Police officer,

"hey look and see the broken chain on the floor." the Senior officer pointed out. " You telling me these kids brought bolt-cutters? C'mon. Let's split up."

this was something that Junior didn't really want to do but to wuss out in front of his superior, and have him heckling him from that point onward. " all right" and then they separated one walking down the hall and the other taking a side corridor


now that the Junior officer was alone his hand on his fire arm and the flash light searching the hall way and in each of the rooms he couldn't help the creepy, being watched feeling he was having it was making him all the more antsy. " Hello? Hello?" he called out. meanwhile the senior officer was wandering about down into the basement of the asylum and he wanders into one of the rooms and looks around when he sees something his Expression changes from searching to a hard annoyance at seeing the trespassers hunched in the corner.

" Alright, c'mon out." he ordered as he shined the Flashlight revealing three kids sitting in the dark, he ordered them up off the ground and filed them out of the room, escorting them out to their car while getting their names and numbers of their parents so he could contact them informing the parents of their kids illegal activities.

in the meantime Junior officer's flashlight goes out which is annoying on its own but he also knows that he put brand new batteries in it just before his shift started, he gives it a shake but nothing happens that's when he hears a door creak open He slowly turns to look at the door, he sees some one disfigured looking at him , and from the doorway that same figure looks at him and suddenly it runs forward arm out stretched out in front of it, all the while wailing an awful noise frightening the junior officer into pulling his gun and shooting the figure all unknown to him that the lead in his bullets would dissipate the spirit giving him a chance to run out of the room and back out of the building.

the Senior officer watches a car drive off then reaches for his radio to let his Jr. partner know that he'd found the trespassers and got them out. "Kelly, you copy?"

Kelly suddenly appears suddenly behind him scaring the crap out of him. " Jeez! Where the hell you been?" Kelly was staring off into the distance sort of out of it and pointed his thumb behind him and said "In there..."

" What was it? See anything?" he smirked at his partner.

"Huh. No." he responded blankly They turned around to return to the police car. they got in the car and the Senior officer got on the radio and called dispatch, "This is patrol one four. We are clear and returning to station."

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