000 ─── prologue .

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000  ───  prologue .

hellfire000  ───  prologue

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" it all started here "

third person's view

     𝔗he Shadowhunter home had a certain aura surrounding it. The air inside, it just had a feeling of family that was truly wonderful. Everyone who ever visited would say so. Except, no one ever did. The Victorian home was hidden deep in the forest of Ukraine, shielded from the rest of the world. Only a select few members of the Clave knew its exact location, at the demand of the Shadowhunter family.

Every shadow family knew the legend, the history of how the nephilim came to be. But, as far as the shadow world knew, the Shadowhunter family had retired long ago, and slowly but surely disappeared over centuries. There were always whispers, hope that they would return. Many believed that the return of the Shadowhunter family would bring peace to both the shadow world and the mortal world, and restore the balance that the nephilim had been fighting to obtain for thousands of years.

A legend carried by time, passed along to every nephilim child by their parents, treated as their form of religion. Jonathan Shadowhunter, the first nephilim, summoned the angel Raziel to plead for a solution to the demons that ravaged the earth. Seeing his pure intentions, Raziel granted his wish, bestowing upon him the Mortal Instruments. Jonathan created more like him, to create a force of soldiers who could rid the world of the evil that sought to destroy it. Jonathan's soldiers morphed into shadowhunters, half-angel half-mortals who dedicated their lives to hunting demons and protecting humans. Jonathan was the most powerful nephilim to ever exist, with abilities that superseded all others.

Behind evergreen trees and rolling hills, laid the towering home that housed the last descendants of the first nephilim. Laughter echoed through the hallowed halls, dancing around the air with a warm light. A small girl no more than ten years old ran through the carpeted hallway, her bright auburn hair trailing behind her. Just a few feet behind her, an older boy with a shining white grin and tousled carrot locks followed, his hand outstretched towards the younger girl.

"Isla, run for your life!" the auburn-haired girl called ahead, racing to catch up to another young girl, this one with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Isla glanced over her shoulder, a giggle passing her lips when she saw her siblings far behind her.

The auburn-haired girl let a smirk twist her lips as she pushed her legs to move even faster, letting another laugh rumble in her chest. Her name was Seraphina, after the seraphim, angelic beings that the nephilim naturally worshipped. However, the name was quite a mouthful for the manor full of children, and so the girl was fondly referred to as 'Sera' by her siblings, except for her eldest brother Blake, who preferred his unique nickname of 'Phina.' Behind Seraphina was Kai, the eldest of the three, but by no means the eldest in the household. The manor played host to seven other children, all of whom were the kin of Reuben and Freya Shadowhunter.

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