004 ─── mad world .

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004  ───  mad world .

hellfire004  ───  mad world

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" and i find it kinda funny, i find it kinda sad "

seraphina's view

           𝔐y eyes snapped open, my gaze landing on a high ceiling. The first thing I registered was a pounding headache, making me groan and pull my eyebrows together. I raised my fingers to my temple, pressing delicately.

I moved my palms down and pressed on what seemed to be a cot, pulling myself up and propping myself on the frame. My vision fuzzed, and I blinked once, twice, before focusing on a brunette girl sitting on the edge of my bed.

I jumped out of my skin, moving back and reaching towards my wrist, only to widen my eyes when I realized all my weapons were missing, and I was in nothing but my underwear and a half-buttoned plaid shirt that was varying shades of red, black and white. Even worse, all my runes were now visible save for one, thank Raziel. They were scattered all over me, on my hands, my forearms. I had gotten so used to them being hidden that I was almost surprised by how many I had.

"Calm down," the brunette girl said smoothly, and I looked up to see that the hair I had assumed to be brown was actually a dark raven. My eyebrows raised when I recognized her from PANDEMONIUM; the girl with the platinum blonde wig. "I'm Isabelle," the girl introduced with a large smile.

I gave her a distrustful look, moving back a bit. I knew from the runes all over her that she was a shadowhunter, but that didn't mean I trusted her. "Alexia," I said curtly. Already, I could feel the nice facade I put on for Clary melting away, turning back to the sour, closed-off state of mind I had been in for a while now.

Isabelle let out a light laugh, baring her bright white teeth. "I know." I raised my eyebrows, clenching my teeth. I was at a disadvantage, something I didn't like.

Then was when I finally took in what appeared to me the infirmary, my stomach dropping when I realized that I was in the Institute; the headquarters for the New York shadowhunters. I had worked so hard my entire life to stay under their radars, to stay unseen. And now here I was, in the heart of their operations.

Seeing I was moving to get up, Isabelle's eyes widened a little. "You should res-" I cut her off by jumping up, a wave of dizziness hitting me like a wall. My head spun, making me realize how much of a hit I had taken from that demon. It had been a while since I'd faced a foe like that, I was out of practice, I'd admit.

"Woah, there," I heard a familiar voice before a warm hand wrapped around my waist, keeping me upright. I looked up into the eyes of the same dark-haired boy I had fought alongside in PANDEMONIUM, Alec, just as I realized where I recognized his voice from. He was there when I passed out at Jocelyn's apartment; he was the one who lifted me up from the ground. He was the one who said 'I got you.'

hellfire 。 𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔠 𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔡Where stories live. Discover now