Wedding day. A happy ending for now

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                     Wedding day

           "Are you sure I can't stand silently in the corner? I mean handing you the ring seems like such an important job." Merlin says and I sigh. "Man up boy. You are the best choice for best man." I say and slap him across the face. "Better?" He nods and cracks his neck. "Better." "All you have to do is stand by me and hand me the ring when they ask you to present it." I say and hand him the ring. "I meant to ask, who is the maid of honor?" "Well, would not be a wedding if family was not present." Gwen says. "Hmm... Fitting for you to be the maid of honor. You always were attracted to weddings." I say and she laughs. "Look at my big bro, finally getting it done right." She says. "Look at the lil sis still looking for a boy toy?" I ask. "Shush! Anyway who's gonna play your dad and her mom?" She asks. "I got a crazy vampire god and she has Stace." I respond and she laughs. "Did not know Alucard would stay." She says. "Well, how can I let down an old friend?" He asks from behind. "By tying a bell to your neck. Damn you always know how to sneak up on a brother." I say and he chuckles. "Time to go." He says. "Mmm... nice tux." I say and walk down the aisle to stand by the priest with Merlin and Alucard standing behind me. We stand there for a moment until Rhea and Vanessa started throwing down the flower petals in front of Matt and Silver walking arm in arm. She walks to stand by me while Matt goes to stand by Merlin and Alucard. "Dear children of God, you have come today to pledge your love before God and before the Church here present today in the person of the priest, your families and friends. In becoming husband and wife you give yourselves to each other for life. You promise to be true and faithful, to support and cherish each other until death, so that your years together will be the living out in love of the pledge you now make. May your love for each other reflect the enduring love of Christ for his Church. As you face the future together, keep in mind that the sacrament of marriage unites you with Christ, and brings you, through the years, the grace and blessing of God our Father. Marriage is from God: he alone can give you the happiness which goes beyond human expectation, and which grows deeper through the difficulties and struggles of life. Put your trust in God as you set out together in life. Make your home a centre of Christian family life. The Christian home makes Christ and his Church present in the world of everyday things. May all who enter your home find there the presence of the Lord: for he has said: 'Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.' Now as you are about to exchange your marriage vows, the Church wishes to be assured that you appreciate the meaning of what you do, and so I ask you: Have you come here of your own free will and choice and without compulsion to marry each other?" The priest asks. We answer with, "We have." "Will you love and honour each other in marriage all the days of your life?" The priest asks. "We will." We respond. "Are you willing to accept with love the children God may send you, and bring them up in accordance with the law of Christ and his Church?" He asks/ We answer by saying, "We are." "Ashley, do you consent to be my wife?" I ask. She replies with, "I do. Eryk, do you consent to be my husband?" She asks. "I do." I reply. We both then say, "We take each other as husband and wife and promise to love each other truly for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part." The priest then says, "What God joins together man must not separate. May the Lord confirm the consent that you have given, and enrich you with his blessings. Almighty God, bless these rings of faithfulness and unbroken love. May Ashley and Eryk always be true to each other, may they be one in heart and mind, may they be united in love forever, through Christ our Lord." Everyone in the church then says, "Amen." I give the ring to Ashley, sliding it on the fourth finger of her left hand, saying "Ashley, wear this ring as a sign of our faithful love. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."Ashley gives a ring to me; she slides the ring on my fourth finger on my left hand, saying, "Eryk, wear this ring as a sign of our faithful love. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." We then say, "We thank you, Lord, and we praise you for bringing us to this happy day. You have given us to each other. Now, together, we give ourselves to you. We ask you Lord: make us one in our love: keep us one in your peace. Protect our marriage. Bless our home. Make us gentle. Keep us faithful. And when life is over unite us again where parting is no more in the kingdom of your love. There we will praise you in the happiness and peace of our eternal home. Amen." We lean in and kiss each other while the church claps. When we move down the aisle again, Silver, in a hushed voice that only I could hear, asks, "Why did we actually pray to god?" "Well... I'm not sure. Just went with what Merlin advised... and I think we will have a guest to our party now." I reply in an equally hushed voice. Since we were the last wedding in the line of our families we got into the waiting limo and drove off back to our home while laughing in the back. "As I said, we all will die. Ah who am I kidding. We are all immortal tonight!" I say and clinq my wine glass with Merlin. "Tonight, we are all truly family." Brian says. "Shall we get drunk now?" Matt asks. "Let's." Ryan says and we all start drinking the wine in the back. When we got home, it was like I predicted and God was standing in the courtyard. We got out and walked over to him. "How are you demons?" He asked. "Tonight? Happy like saints." Ryan answered. "Good phrasing." God says and looks at me. "I would like to congratulate you guys." "Mmm... A God that actually respect others... Nothing like Odin." I say and walk inside. "Demon, before you go." God says and I turn around. "You managed to protect her." He says and I smile. "I don't fail my family." I say and close the door. "We finally are family." I say while leaning against the door. "The truce will hold and be stronger if those two marry." He replies. "If only, you know what Lucifer is like." I say. "Unfortunately I do and if you don't mind Michael will stay with you and watch over any kids you may have." He says. "Fine." I say and walk towards my complete family. 

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