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"Anastasia? Can you hear me? Are you alright?" I hear Charles ask me, putting a hand on my shoulder as I sob on the floor of the bar. 

God, it was all real.

"I'm fine Charles." I say as I try to wipe my tears away, smearing the blood over my face. 

"You alright kid?" Logan asks me, attempting to help me stand up. 

"I'm fine." I say quickly, "thank you Charles, really. And I'm sorry for leaving." I tell him as I give him a quick hug. 

"Anya, it's not your fault." Charles tries to reassure me with a pleading look.

"I should get going." I say to myself more than to them.

"Thank you Logan." I tell him, giving him a quick hug as well before walking towards the door. 

"Anya, where are you going to go?" Charles looks at me with pain, making me stop at the door. 

"Somewhere." I glance back at Charles and Logan with a sad smile before walking back onto the streets with my hands in my pockets and my hood over my face.


The rain pours down as I stand in the middle of a cemetary, staring at my name engraved on a tombstone. 

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov 

1998 - 1962 

Lady Justice, Nemesis 

(I was stuck on where she should have her grave so you guys can go ahead and decide.)

So this is my grave. It really is true. They even built a statue of me.

(Pretend the statue has wings) 

I hear a rocket go off and someone step up behind me.


I turn around and see Tony in his Iron Man suit, his mask opening to reveal his face.

"What are you doing here out in the rain? Do you know how long it took me to find you?" he asks me. 

"It's only been an hour." I tell him before returning my eyes to my gravestone.

"How did you even get here?" 

"I teleported." 

"Anya," I hear him sigh, "You're being ridiculous. You must be drunk."

"You know," I scoff, "if you actually knew me, you'd know that I don't drink. But you don't know me, do you?" 

Tony looks at me with a blank expression before observing the gravestone I was standing at. 

"Shit." He mumbles before putting his hand up, "I can explain." 

"You don't have to, I know everything." I reply with clenched fists, letting my wings appear along with my holocaust prison tattoo. 

"You see, this is the truth." I tell him, taking a step towards him.

"Anya, just calm down." 

"You lied to me." Everyone lied to me. Why huh? Are you planning to experiment on me, use me as a weapon?" 

"Anya please. You're overreacting." Tony tries to reassure me, taking a step back. 

"Overreacting?!" I growl, my eyes turning gold as the ground starts to shake around me, "I wake up from a coma, being told that everything I've been through was a dream, only to have my memories back and find out it was all real! Do you know how it feels to loose everyone? That almost every single person that was close to you is dead?!" 

"Anya, what are you doing?" Tony asks me with slight fear, taking another step back, "stop right now." 

"I just want the truth!" I scream as Tony gets thrown into a tree, snapping it in half. 

The ground stops shaking and my eyes return to my normal brown as I stare at Tony, my blood running cold from fear.

What have I done? I didn't even use my hands. 

"Tony? Tony! No no no." I rush towards his motionless body by the tree, "my god. Tony." 

"Please don't die." I choke out, picking him up in my arms effortlessly. 

What have I done? 

I launch myself off the ground and fly towards Tony's mansion, going about the speed of a SR-71 Blackbird. 

"Pepper!" I shout as I enter his mansion with him still in my arms. 

"Anya? What's wrong?" Pepper calls out from the stairs, her eyes widening at the sight of my wings and Tony, "oh my god! What happened?" 

"I don't know." I stumble across my words as I set Tony down on the sofa, my mind spinning in circles. 

"He's still alive, but he needs help fast." I hear Jarvis say. 

"I'm calling for help." Pepper grabs her phone and dials in a number. 

"It's all my fault." I shake my head in guilt and fear, stepping back from them. 

"Anya? Where are you going?" Pepper asks me with confusion. 

"I have to leave." I breathe out, staring at Tony's injured or possibly dying body, "before I kill someone on accident. 

"Anya? What are you talking about?" 

I rush upstairs to my room, quickly packing away everything I own in a suitcase, except for Tony's gifts to me. 

They don't belong to me. I don't deserve them. 

"Come on Einstein. We have to go." I tell my cat as I pick him up and place him inside his pet carrier. 

"It's okay baby," I coo at him, "mummy just can't stay here anymore. We'll be fine." 

I make my wings and tattoo disappear, grab my things and walk downstairs, seeing paramedics arriving. 


I use my telepathic powers to prevent them from seeing me, allowing me to walk out of the mansion. I take out my car key out of my pocket and unlock my car, setting my things inside and Einstein beside me. 

I need to go. I need help. I think to myself as I drive off. 

"Anastasia." I hear someone say in my head, "you can't do this on your own." 


I pull up on a stone driveway and park my car, the moonlight iluminating the lanscape as I grab Einstein and my suitcase. My shoes crunch against the ground in the quiet midnight as I walk up to the familiar front door of a mansion. I knock against the wooden door and wait. Footsteps are heard from inside before hearing the lock unclick. 

I watch the door open as a little boy stands there, looking at me with curiosity.

"Hi," I smile at him, "is Professor Xavier here? I need his help." 

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