Just Like Old Times

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"What happened Anastasia?" Charles asks across from me in his wheelchair. 

"I almost killed someone." I say quietly, staring into my cup of hot chocolate that was clenched in my cold hands as I sit on the bed of the room I used to occupy back when I joined Charles in the 60s.

"Mr.Stark is fine, I assure you." 

I let out a sigh of relief, hugging my blanket closer to my freshly showered body as Einstein sleeps beside me. 

Thank goodness.

"You know, this reminds me of the time Erik and I recruited you back in your apartment in Paris." Charles smiles at me, remembering the memory, "you still drink hot chocolate curled up in a blanket. 

I smile at the memory as well before asking Charles, "How is Moselle?" 

"She died 10 years ago, car accident." 

Jesus Christ. 

I glance away from Charles as tears sting my eyes.

Howard is dead too, I read about it. God damn it.

"What about Peggy?" 

"She's fine." 

"Thank god." I breathe out. 

But Steve, Bucky. They're long gone. 

"How's Erik and Raven?" 

"They're doing well." 

"That's good." 

"You should get some sleep Anastasia. You've been through a lot." Charles tells me as he heads out the door, closing it behind him. 

I let out a tired sigh and set my mug on the table beside my bed before turning off the lamp. 

"Good night Einstein." I whisper to my cat, laying my head down on my pillow and hugging my blanket closer to me before falling off to sleep. 

Next Morning 

Birds begin to chirp outside my window, making me let out a groan and open my eyes. 

I stare at the ceiling above as Einstein sleeps across my stomach. 

I'm so tired. I don't want to get up. 

"You should have some breakfast Anastasia." Charles tells me in my head. 

"Fine." I breathe out. 

"Oh and please do wake up Logan will you?" 


My eyes glance over to the corner of my room darkened out by my curtains and see a large silhouette seated in a chair. 

A screech escapes my throat as I jump out of my bed, jolting the man and my cat awake. 

"Shit!" What the hell kid?" 

"Logan?" I raise my brow at him, "what the hell are you doing in my room? Were you watching me sleep?" 

"Christ kid, I was only watching over you, making sure you didn't get hurt or anything." he tells me as he gets up out of the chair. 

"Or hurt anyone." I mumble under my breath, remembering Tony. 


"I said you're a creep, watching me sleep and shit." I grumble at him, throwing off my blanket.

I let out an irritated groan as I remember I took my leg braces off before I slept. Shit. I shake my head in annoyance before using my hands to move my legs over the side of my bed. 

"Can you open the curtains please?" I mumble at Logan. 

"What's with the sudden politeness?" Logan raises his brow at me as he opens up my curtains.

"What's with the grumpyness?" I snap before letting out a quiet thank you. 

I reach my left arm towards my dresser and open it, grabbing the anklets for my leg braces. 

Logan watches me as I snap them on my ankles, pressing the button for them to build up around my legs. 

"Do you always wear those?" He asks me as I get up off my bed.

"Except when I sleep and change my clothes. And they're waterproof so I can wear them in the shower and what not." I answer.

"Sounds like a hassle." 

"You're a hassle. What do you expect when having no legs?" I scoff as I open my bedroom door, letting Logan out first before following behind him to the kitchen.

"Do you always wear that ?" He asks me, pointing at my pajamas. 

"Yeah. Got a problem with it?" 

"It's weird." 

"You're weird. You probably sleep naked for all I know." I roll my eyes at him before stopping at the kitchen entrance, staring at the people staring at me. 

Is that her? 

Holy shit! That's Lady Justice! 

That's Nemesis! 

What is she doing here? 

I though she died! How is she alive?

I stand awkwardly as I hear the kids think to themselves as they stare at me in shock. 

"Ahhh there you are Anastasia." Charles announces as he rolls into the kitchen, "these are my students." 

"Wow. That's great! You really have accomplished a lot." I tell him with a smile. 

"I'd like you to meet my older students and professors of this school. You've already met Logan. This here is Dr. Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Storm." 

I smile and blush as I shake each of their hands, their words of compliments making me want to crawl into a hole. 

I hear a knock on the front door and glance at everyone else. 

Do I go open the door or? 

"I'll get it." Charles pops in, obviously reading my mind. 

"Hi, I'm Rogue." A girl with a white streak in her hair chirps in. 

"Hi." I smile at her. 

"I'm Bobby." 

"I'm Kitty." 

"There better be a good reason for bringing us up here Charles." I hear someone say.

"Trust me. There is." I hear Charles reply. 

I look behind me and see Raven and...Erik?

"My god Anastasia." Erik gasps once he sees me. 

"Anya!" Raven squeals before enveloping me in a hug, "you're alive!" 

"I missed you too Raven." I smile as I hug her back.

"Well look at you Erik, you've gotten so old." I smile at him as I hug him too.

"But how are you alive? I watched you get buried." Erik asks me in confusion. 

"I honestly don't know." I answer, "but all I know for now is that I'm alive and well, and that's all that matters." 

"Well now Anastasia," I hear Charles announce, making me look at him, "I think it's about time that you ate breakfast. You have training this afternoon." 

"Training?" I raise my brow at him.

"Well, your new powers aren't going to improve by themselves now are they?" Charles explains to me with a smile. 

Huh. I guess it is just like old times, and I could use the help anyways.

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